About Jesus Steve Sweetman Chapter 23 Previous Section - Chapters 12 to 22 Joshua's Farewell To
The Leaders (ch. 23:1 - 16)
Verse 1 says, "after a long time had passed".
Many Bible teachers suggest that about 20 years had now passed
when it comes to chapter 23. In these 20 years verse 1 states that Israel
had been given rest from their enemies.
We should note that even though Israel
killed off many of their enemies, they did not kill them all for one
reason or another. They
still had enemies living among them, even though they were in possession
of the Note in verse 5 that those nations that have not yet been
conquered the Lord will drive out on Israel's behalf, that is, if they continue to obey them. I mention this to say
that at this point in Israel's history, they have not yet driven out all the pagan nations from From verses 6 to 13 the admonition is given to Israel
not to associate with their pagan nieghbours, not to have anything to do
with their gods. If they do
ally themselves with the pagans and their religious practices, God would
not protect them, these pagans would eventually snare them until In verse 14 Joshua says, "now I am about to go the way
of all the earth". In
other words, "he is about to die", as everything else on earth
does. From verses 13 to the end of the chapter Joshua reminds Israel
that every good promise God made to them has been fulfilled.
He also reminds them that if they fail to keep the covenant every
evil, or every, curse, as stated in the covenant will come on them, just
as the good promises have come on them.
We need to note a couple of things here.
Evangelicals over the years have spoken much of the promises of
God but for the most part have only related them to God's blessings,
that this, the good things. But
here, Joshua points out that this is only half of the story.
There are other promises we should consider to, and they are the
curses that will surely come on those who fail to follow His ways. Note the word "covenant" here.
This covenant is the Mosaic Covenant, the Law of Moses.
Within this covenant are the blessings and cursing.
The blessings are promised to a faithful The Mosaic Law is both separate and distinct from the
Abrahamic Covenant. They are
two different covenants. The
Abrahamic Covenant God made with Himself.
Part of that covenant states that God would make
The distinction between the Abrahamic Covenant and the Mosaic Covenant is basic to understanding Biblical prophecy. If you don't understand the differences between the two covenants, you will not understand Biblical prophecy. You will be led astray with a false eschatology.
Previous Section - Chapters 12 to 22