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Isaiah 14

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 ch. 1:14:1 - 23    ch. 14:24 - 27     ch.14:28-32


More About Babylon (ch. 14:1 - 26)


In chapter 14, verse 1, we see one of many prophecies that clearly state that Israel will once again be favored by God and return to their land.  There's no way around this fact.  Replacement theology believes this.  It's very difficult to suggest that the church will once again be favored by God and return to their land.


Note in verse 1 that aliens will accompany these Jews who are now favored by God.  I believe these aliens are Christians who are pro-Israel.


Verse 2 goes as far to say that the nations of the earth will help the Jews and these certain aliens to return to their land.  It's my thinking that this must take place after Jesus returns because prior to His return most, if not all nations, are enemies to Israel.


The last part of verse 2 tells us the importance of Israel in the thousand year rule of Christ.  It says that the house of Israel will possess the nations.  Israel will rule the world, of course, with Jesus sitting on His throne in Jerusalem.  Jews will be the servants of the Lord as they rule the nations, as the last half of this verse states.


Verse 2 also states that the Jews will make captive of their oppressors.  During the thousand year rule of Christ, Israel will no longer be subject to their oppressors, but their oppressors will be subject to them.  This gives us yet another clue to what these thousand years will look like.  Everything is not perfect.  Their will be peace, but still, Jesus must rule with a rod of iron, and the enemies of the Jews will be in subjection.


Verse 3 speaks of the return of Jesus to earth when He will give relief to Israel.  In that day Israelis will cry out against the king of Babylon. 


In verse 4 the "oppressor who comes to an end" is Babylon. This is seen in Revelation 17 and 18.


Note that in verse 5 it is the Lord who strikes down the wicked.  I believe this happens at His return.  It's not the church, and it's not even the Jews who strike down the wicked.  With the word of His mouth, Jesus brings all things under His control.


Note the word "nations" in verse 6.  The oppressor, which is Babylon, possibly the king of Babylon, oppresses the nations, not just Israel to me, this speaks of the anti-Christ.  It's therefore my thinking, at least for the moment, that the anti-Christ is not only typified in the King of Assyria, but also the King of Babylon.


Verses 7 and8 speak of a time of peace.  I suggest this is the peace created by Jesus at His return.  The thousand year rule of Christ will bring peace to the earth.


Verses 9 and 10 speak of the departed dead.  They wait with eager anticipation when they see the king of Babylon come down to be with them.  As they fall, so he has fallen as well.  The NIV uses the word, "grave".  The Hebrew word is "Sheol", the place of the departed dead.  That's Hades in New Testament terms.


It gets so bad for the king of Babylon, the anti-Christ, that maggots and warms will creep around the grave of the one who once ruled the world, as seen in verse 11.


Starting at verse 12 we have a bit of a change.  We've been talking about the fall of Babylon, as did happen in 539 B. C., which is symbolic of the fall of the anti-Christ and the destruction of end time Babylon.  That being said, what we see in the next few verses cannot be attributed to either the king of Babylon in Old Testament days, or the king of Babylon at the end of this age.  The text makes it clear that the one being spoken of here is actually satan, the one who gives the anti-Christ his supernatural powers. 


Verse 12 opens with "how you have fallen from heaven".  Unless you think the king of Babylon fell from heaven, this must be some angel from heaven.  Satan fell from heaven.  Some suggest that the word "heaven" is used symbolically here.  So, this passage could refer to the king of Babylon.  I think the rest of this section shows it's more than the king of Babylon being spoken of here.   


Satan is called "the morning star, the son of light' in verse 12.  Paul, in 2 Corinthians 11:14 says that satan can transform himself into an angel of light.  Paul probably understood this from this very verse.  Satan could do such a thing because he was the morning star, the son of light.  Just what this means might be debatable, but I suggest that he was once very important. Some say he was the most important angel.


It's interesting to note the Jesus, in Luke 10:18 says that He saw satan, like lightning, fall from heaven.  Jesus spoke of this past event, the same event Isaiah speaks of here.  Satan's fall would look light lightning because he was the son of light.


In Revelation 12 we see a war take place in heaven between satan and his angels and the angels of God.  In Revelation 12:9 and 10  we see that satan and his angels "were cast out" onto the earth.  The question is thus asked, "if satan was cast out of heaven in a time past, what was he doing in heaven in this scene in Revelation"?  I don't know for sure, but satan is called the accuser of the brethren because he accuses us before God at all times.  Revelation 12:10 states that the accuser of the brothers and sisters in Christ, accuses us day and night to God.  He has been cast down.  So, it would seem to me that at some past time satan was cast out of heaven but has been hanging around ever sense, making accusations about us to God.          


Verse 12 states, "you (satan) have been cast down to the earth".  Note that this is the past tense.  So in some time past, satan was cast down to the earth.  I suggest he was basically kicked out of heaven by God.  This might be why he was in the Garden of Eden.  Some suggest that this gives proof to the gap theory.  This theory states that between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2 there was a judgment of God on a pre-Genesis 1:2 creation that satan had something to do with.  They thus say that the creation account of Genesis 1 is actually a recreation.


Verse 12 says, "You (satan) who once laid low the nations".  Obvious satan affects the affairs of nations and actually brings them down.  What nations this verse speaks of we don't know.  I think it is safe to say it was the nations who had existed up until that point in history.  Some might speculate and say the nations spoken of here are pre-adamic nations, thus giving support to the gap theory.


What comes next is called "the 5 I wills" of satan. 


Verse 13 begins with, "you said in your heart".  The things we will now see what satan said were well thought out and heart felt convictions.  They weren't just a whim of the moment.


The first "I will" is, "I will ascend to heaven".  All these "I wills" are a matter of pride.  Satan wanted to ascend to heaven and be as God.  We see that in the next "I will". "I will raise my throne above the stars of God".  Stars in the Bible are symbolic of angels.  Remember, satan himself was called the "morning star".  He wanted to be the supreme angel of angels. Some suggest that satan was once the supreme angel of angels and these words tell us that he wants to return to his former days of glory.


"I will sit enthroned on the mount of the assembly".  The mount of the assembly is God's people Israel.   Satan's goal was to be the Messiah of Israel.


Verse 14 says. "I will ascend to the tops of the clouds", meaning, satan wanted control over the earth.  Then the last one is the ultimate one.  "I will make myself like the Most High'.  Satan wanted to be like God Himself and that by his own doing. 


In all these "I wills" we see the pride of satan.  I believe that pride is the most basic sin of all sins.


The question might be raised, "when did satan say these things"?  Were these words spoken before he got kicked out of heaven or after?  I believe the general consensus is that he said them before he got thrown out of heaven, and, these words might well be the reason why he was kicked out of heaven.  Or, actions based on these words might well have been why he was kicked out of heaven. 


It also might be that these words might have been uttered after he was thrown out of heaven because he speaks of ascending into heaven, or, back in the heaven that he was kicked out of.


Verse 15 speaks of satan being brought down to the depth of the pit.  This might be the bottomless pit, the abyss, spoken of in the book of Revelation. Paul calls it the abode of the dead in Romans 10:7. Satan will be bound in this pit for a thousand years as seen in Revelation 20:1 – 3.


Verse 16 speaks of people being in shock and pondering the fall of the one spoken of in the last few verses.  Some suggest that we are now back speaking to the king of Babylon , and I'm sure there is a measure of truth here.  That being said, I still think we're speaking of satan here, and maybe, satan as seen in the anti-Christ. I say this because verses 16 and 17 speak of kingdoms and the world.  This man seemed to have a global connection.


Verse 18 speaks of all the kings of the nations who lie in tombs.  Again, this could speak to the destruction that this Babylonian king placed on the nations he overthrew.  On the other hand, it could speak of satan working through the anti-Christ at the end of this age.  If it's not the anti-Christ specifically, we know the anti-Christ will subdue national leaders in the promotion of his own personal kingdom.


Verse 19 says that "you are cast out of your tomb".  It may be hard to figure out exactly what the next few verses mean.  If they still refer to satan, this might well mean that satan will be cast out of his tomb, meaning, the abyss, Hades, or, whatever you want to call it, and into the Lake of Fire as seen in Revelation 20:14.                     


It appears that in the rest of verse 19 satan, or whoever you feel the prophet is speaking of at this point, will join in death with those who he has slain with the sword.


Verse 20 says that the one being spoken of here will not join with those he killed in the burial.  This seems to suggest that he will die in the pit of hell with them but have no burial service.  Again, I suggest that some of this could be true with the king of Babylon, but I believe that we're still seeing satan here, and, possibly satan as seen in the anti-Christ.


Verse 21 seems to be a general comment on the wicked.  In the end, they will receive no inheritance, unlike the meek, those who submit to the Lord Jesus, as Jesus said, "they shall inherit the earth". (Matthew 5:5)


Verse 22 clearly shows us the fall of Babylon .  That is, both Babylon of old and Babylon as seen in the book of Revelation.  Again, we need to understand that at this point in history, when Isaiah spoke of Babylon , it was only a city.  It was not yet an empire.  Assyria was the world dominating empire at this point.  Babylon was yet to rise to power.  This is why some liberal theologians late date the book of Isaiah.  They cannot believe that Isaiah would know such things long before they took place in history.  In Isaiah's day Assyria hadn't even fallen yet, let alone Babylon .


Verse 23 ends this section with total destruction on Babylon by the Lord Almighty.  Remember, the word "Almighty" means "army".   Yahweh is the Lord of the a vast heavenly army. 


We should understand that most scholars believe that civilization started in and around Babylon.  It's called the " Fertile Valley ".  This destruction that God declares through Isaiah here can still be seen in the deserts of the Middle East.



A Prophecy Against Assyria (ch. 14:24 - 27)


We now move back to Isaiah's day.  This section concerns Assyria, which most of the chapter prior to chapter 13 and 14 was about.  Assyria was the dominant world empire in Isaiah's day.  It spread from India over to western northern Africa.


In verse 24 we see a real truth of Scripture.  What God has planned and what He has purposed to do will come about.  You can count on that.  Here the context is prophecy, both for the present day when Isaiah lived and for the end of this age.  As Christians, we should feel and know for sure that what we read here will come to pass.


In verse 25 we see one thing that God has planned that will come about and that is, He will crush Assyria .  He did that by having Babylon overthrow the Assyrian Empire.  He will do it again, at the end of this age when God will destroy "the Assyrian", the anti-Christ, and His empire.  No more will Israel be subject to the anti-Christ rule.  The yoke of bondage will be no more.


Verse 26 shows me that this prophecy is an end time prophecy.  God says that "this is my plan for the whole world".  I believe "whole world" means "whole world', even though some will suggest "whole world" means the "whole known world" at the time of Isaiah.  I don't think so.  The Lord knew long in advance that you and I would be reading these words a few thousand years after they were penned.  "Whole world" means "whole world".


The rest of verse 26 and verse 27 clearly states that absolutely no one, no nation can thwart God's plan for the whole world.  The anti-Christ may try, and it may appear that he will win, at least for a while, but he won't.


A Prophecy Against The Philistines (ch. 14:28-32)                    


Before we look at this passage, we should understand that they land that was once occupied in Isaiah's day belonging to the Philistines now is modern day Gaza , where Hamas now rules.


Note the word "oracle" in verse 26.  The King James Version uses the word "burden".  I believe the word "burden" better reflects the meaning to the Hebrew word being translated here.  This is the case wherever the word "oracle" is used in the NIV.  A prophecy against a nation is truly a burden, both to the nation and to the one having to speak the prophecy.  A burden suggests a seriousness as well as hard times.


The land of Philistia obviously was named by the Philistines who migrated north from Egypt, probably when the Jews were in exile in Egypt.


Verse 28 tells us that this prophetic burden came during the year King Ahaz died.  He was the very mean king of Judah .  The Philistines, who Ahaz and Judah had attacked, was dead. The Philistines were probably hoping for a more nicer king of Judah.  They did get a couple of nice kings after Ahaz died, but, as this passage states, there were more nasty kings to come in Judah. 


Verse 29 seems to suggest the coming of these nastier kings that would once again attack the Philistines.  We see, from the earliest days, those living in Gaza and those living in Judah, or Israel, have always been at odds.


Verses 30 to 32 seem to suggest to me the final destruction of the Philistines.  They did fall in Old Testament times, but I believe this is specific to end time prophecy as well.  These verses suggest to me that Israel will finally, once and for all, overthrow the Philistines in Gaza in the last days.



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