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Isaiah 12

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Song Of Praise (ch 12:1 - 6)


Chapter 12 has only 6 verses.  It is a short song, a short psalm.  As I've said before, more than any other Biblical writer, Isaiah uses as many literary devices at his disposal, and they're scattered throughout his writing.


Verse 1 begins with, "in that day'.  To keep the consistency from the previous chapter, "that day" means the end of this age when Jesus returns to earth. "That day" can also mean when Israel finds a measure of restoration as they are permitted to leave Babylon and return to Jerusalem after their 70 year captivity.  That being said, we must realize all that we see take place "in that day" did not happen when only a remnant chose to return to Jerusalem.  So, the ultimate fulfillment of this chapter is at the end of this age when Jesus returns for His people.


In that day Jews will sing, "I will praise you O Lord".  The pronoun "I" refers to Israelis.  This will be a day when the remnant of Israel will have returned to their God, Yahweh, for good.  This is one of the songs they sing.


Verse 1 continues with the recognition by the Jews that their God has been angry with them, but His anger is now turned away.  This is an acknowledgment of God's anger due to the sin of Israelis.  It's part of the process of repentance. 


In verse 2 we have the Jews acknowledging that "God is their salvation".  No longer will they rely on their own strength or the strength of others.  They will totally rely on their God.


Note in verse 2, the duplication of "the Lord".  Obviously the Jews are serious about the Lord being their salvation.  We must remember, as a prophetic futurist, I believe this spirit of repentance and praise on the behalf of Israelis is due to the fact that God will have brought them to their knees in the Great Tribulation.


Verse 3 mentions the phrase "wells of salvation".  Some take these wells of salvation as being spiritual, while others say they are real wells.  They could well be both. As we see in other parts of the prophetic writings, there will be many geographical changes in the Middle East at the return of Jesus.  For example, there will be a valley with a river flowing from the Dead Sea to the Mediterranean Sea.  This could easily mean there are many underground wells to drink from.  You can read the last 8 chapters of Ezekiel to see some of these changes.


"In that day", as verse 4 begins, the Jews will declare what the Lord has done among the nations.  It's my thinking, the things which Jesus will have done when that day comes is that He would have brought the nations of the earth into the final battle of Armageddon.  This might also refer to other things that have transpired during the tribulation period and the things Jesus will do during His thousand year rule on earth.


Verse 4 also speaks of Jesus' name being exalted.  This means that when Jesus returns to earth, He, and His name, will be exalted as He rules over all the earth from Jerusalem.


Note in verse 5 the text reads, "sing to the Lord'.  It does not say, "Sing about the Lord".  This is important.  This suggests heart felt worship.  What the Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements brought to the Evangelical world of church is worship.  Seeing songs about Jesus is one thing, but singing songs to Jesus is quite a different thing.  It shows intimacy.  Intimacy as worship is vital to the Christian life, whether corporate intimacy or individual intimacy.


Verse 6 ends this chapter with shouts of joy because the "Holy One of Israel" is among the Jews.  "The Holy One of Israel" is Jesus.  He will be among the Jews as He lives and rules from Jerusalem for a thousand years, prior to the coming of the new heavens and the new earth.



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