About Jesus Steve Sweetman This Section - Chapter 12 The Woman And The Dragon (ch. 12:1-17) In
chapters 12 through 14 we're still stepping back from the narrative of
judgments that take place on the earth.
We're still in the heavenly realm.
This section of Revelation basically gives us an over view of sin
and the devil.
It helps us understand how sin came into the world.
chapter 12 we are also introduced to some new important characters.
John tells us in verse 1 that what we see in these chapters is “a
great and wondrous sign”.
I don't think we should understand the word "sign" to be
symbols in this verse.
Think of them as road signs along the side of a highway.
Signs aren't necessarily symbols.
They merely point to something down the road.
They merely tell us something that lies ahead that we have not yet
seen. As a matter of fact, these signs are clarified for us
in the text. So,
we don't have to try to figure out what is being talked
about, as some have done over the years. In
verse 1 we are introduced to a woman. This woman is clothed with the sun,
has the moon under her feet, and has twelve stars on her head. Some
view this woman as the church.
The church is often referred to in the feminine form in the Bible.
Catholics often say that this woman is Mary.
Mary Baker Edie also claimed to be this woman.
I don't believe any of these are this woman. Most
Prophetic Futurists, including me, view this woman as the Jews, In
Genesis 37:9 Joseph has a dream.
In the dream he sees the sun and the moon and eleven stars bowing
to him. It
is clear in the dream that the eleven stars are his eleven brothers.
Joseph himself would be star number twelve.
For this reason I think we can safely say that the woman here in
Revelation twelve is As
a side note, many Bible teachers believe that the twelve stars of the
Zodiac might come into play here.
of the ancient religions, and also modern day astrology, have taken the
signs of the Zodiac and have paganized them.
The stars of the Zodiac were probably one way in which God spoke to
those in the world prior to the flood of Noah's day.
This might be what the Apostle Paul spoke about in Romans 1:18 and
following when Paul states that God is clearly seen in what he has
way this woman was dressed also might suggest that the meaning of
astronomy, not astrology, might well have originated with God, but has
long since been paganized by man. In
verse 2 we see this woman give birth to a son.
The baby who is born is Jesus, or so most Prophetic Futurists
Jesus came from the Jewish race.
I think this is clear if we view this woman as Israel. John
notes that the woman gave birth in great pain.
The whole birth and life of Jesus was a great pain to the Jews.
What Jesus said and did caused them great grief because they did
not see Him as their Messiah. Also,
when Jesus was born, the nation of Israel
herself was in great pain.
They weren’t living as they should and they were in bondage to Rome
because of their disobedience to God.
verse 3 we see another sign and this time it is a red dragon.
The dragon has seven heads, seven crowns, and ten horns.
We will see later that this dragon is the devil. There
is no question about that.
I won't comment on the seven heads, seven crowns, and ten horns.
Many see these in relation to the anti-Christ that we will see
later. Many view the description of the devil here as symbolic of who he is. Let me suggest that this might not be symbolic. Humans live in a far different world than those angelic beings who live in the heavenlies. I don't believe it's beyond common sense that heavenly beings might look weird and wild to us fallen humans here on earth. One of our problems is that we too often tend to view heavenly things from an earthly perspective, and that shouldn't be the case. The earthly realm is so far removed from the heavenly realm that there is no way in which we should view heavenly things in terms of the fallen and sinful earthly realm. That being said, I'm not ruling out that the devil is being portrayed as a dragon here. We do know that he is an angel of light and that the Old Testament views him as being an impressive looking being, nothing like he is seen here. What is seen here might well be picture language. Remember, this is a sign.
In verse 4 we
see the dragon’s tale swept one third of the stars, or, angels, from the
sky. They were flung to the earth. Some Prophetic Futurists
view this event when satan took one third of God’s angels with him to be
on his side. They say this took place prior to the creation of Adam
and Eve. Those who believe in a pre-Adamic race that was judged by
God between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2 believe this was the time these
fallen angels were flung to the earth. Others believe these angels
will be flung to the earth in the future, when the events of Revelation
take place. I believe because of the use of the past tenses, as in
the NIV's uses of the word "swept" to be in the past, not in the
future. Throughout
the Old Testament angels are often seen as stars.
That's why we see the stars here as angels.
Also, the context itself tells us that these stars aren't the stars
in the sky.
verse also says the dragon stood before the woman when I should make some comment on the time line as seen in this part of the vision because the way it is presented is that all these things took place at the same time. This would mean that the fallen angels were flung to the earth at the birth of Jesus, but that isn't so. We should realize that when it comes to Jewish writing during this period of time timelines and sequential order was not a high priority in their writing. The stating of events is the important thing, not when they happened.
have seen two signs here. One was the woman. So, we see things
about her. The other sign is the devil. So, we learn some
things about him. When it comes to sequence, or timelines, there is
none. We simply have the description of two signs. Within each
sign, there is, however, and element of time. In
verse 5 we see that the new born child was a male and that He’d rule the
world with a scepter of iron.
The scepter is an instrument of discipline and protection, as well
as power and authority.
A shepherd would normally have a scepter, or rod, of wood, but this
ruler would have a scepter of iron. The point should be made at this point
that Jesus will rule the earth for a thousand years with a scepter of iron
as we will see in Revelation 20. As
a side note to this verse, if Jesus has to rule the earth with a scepter
of iron during His thousand year rule, then there is clearly the
possibility of those that He rules for them to disobey Him.
I won't elaborate on that here since I've done that elsewhere.
remind you again of the timelines of this chapter.
This is an intermission in the events of the judgments.
It conveys some
relevant past history and brings us up to the present time of the
tribulation period. Satan’s
fall from God’s grace and the birth of Jesus is in the past, yet in
verse 5 we see that the woman gave birth to a son “who will rule the
nations with a scepter of iron.
Notice the future tense; because Jesus at this moment in time is
not ruling the nations with a scepter of iron, but as I've just said, He
will at His return, thus the events of this chapter are a history lesson
taking place over a vast period of time. Also
in verse 5 we see that the son was snatched up to Heaven.
If this is indeed Jesus, then it would be clear that this snatching
refers to the ascension of Jesus. I
think that is pretty obvious. After
being taken from the earth, the Son sat on His throne.
Jesus now sits on His throne beside the throne of His Father.
6 tells us that the woman fled into the wilderness where she was taken
care of for 1260
days. This
tells us that this woman is not Mary because she didn’t flee into a
wilderness for 1260 days.
The same is true of the church. Some
view the woman fleeing as There
is a place southeast of Many
Prophetic Futurist suggest that the remnant of At
this point in time Daniel 11:41 might come into play.
It says that In
verses 7 to 10 we see a war taking place in Heaven between Michael and his
angels and the dragon and his angels.
According to many Greek scholars, the Greek text states that
Michael starts this war, not the devil. This makes sense to me since
the book of Revelation is all about God initiating things, not the
Another thing we should note is that Michael is the
one who protects The
dragon lost the war and was subsequently flung to the earth.
We need to note that this war took place in Heaven not on earth.
This is important because to this point in time satan has access to Heaven
and is constantly accusing Christians before God, but from this point on,
he and those angels with him is thrown out of heaven onto the earth,
causing more havoc and trouble than ever before. This
is yet another reason why the last half of the tribulation period is worse
than the first half.
This is another reason why some feel the Great Tribulation is the
last half of the last seven years of this age.
Whatever you believe about that, the last three and a half years is
the worst time in human history. If you think things are bad or evil now,
wait until satan and his demonic force is thrown down to earth.
thinking of a time line here, we should note that this heavenly war takes
place just prior to the Great Tribulation, that is, that last half of the
last seven years.
When satan is casts down to the ground the Great Tribulation will
be in full force because he is the one behind the trials coming to the
earth. In
reality, it is God who is using the devil to bring judgment to the earth.
verse 9 we see clearly that the dragon is satan. We see that he leads the
whole world astray.
At this point in human history, the devil will lead more people and
nations astray than ever before.
Futurists see this battle in Daniel 12:1.
They also claim this battle takes place at the mid point of the
tribulation period as I've mentioned before. You might ask, “Is this a
literal physical battle, or some kind of other battle”.
It's a literal and physical battle among the angels in heaven, that
is to say, as physical as you can get in a spiritual setting.
thing we should know is that the anti-Christ is alive on earth, but once
satan is thrown out of his heavenly position and onto the earth, he enters
the anti-Christ.
Again, this takes place at the middle point in the seven year
tribulation. A
less understood and less known view of 2 Thessalonians 2:6 and 7 states
that it is not the Holy Spirit that restrains or holds the anti-Christ
back from coming on to the world scene in great power.
It is the Abyss, the place where satan lives, that holds the
anti-Christ back.
Once satan is cast out of the heavenlies, as seen in this chapter,
he will enter satan. In
verse 10 we hear a voice saying that salvation, power, and the When
verse 10 says that salvation has now come, we're talking first about the
salvation and deliverance predicted for The
last half of verse 10 speaks of satan being hurled down to the earth.
He will no longer be in going in and out of heaven accusing us
before God as he has being doing throughout the ages.
We should know that at this
moment in time as I write these words the devil is accusing us Christians
of our sins before God.
He is pointing out the sins we commit on a daily basis, but God
ignores his accusations.
God knows we still sin and if we need to be disciplined, He will
discipline us, not because of anything the devil says to Him, but because
that is His will.
verse 11 we see the pronoun "they".
"They" refers to those who will have been martyred or
survived the tribulation.
Remember, in Revelation 12 we have stepped by from the events of
the tribulation.
The text is predicting the days to come.
These believers will have overcome the anti-Christ by the blood of
the lamb, the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives
even unto death.
These are the three key issues that help any Christian overcome
anything in his life, whether now or in the tribulation period.
The blood of Jesus has provided forgiveness and the subsequent
giving of the Holy Spirit to us.
Our testimony confirms this and makes us even more convinced of
this truth.
Then, if we don’t love our own lives, we won’t try to save our
lives. We’ll
live for Jesus no matter what it takes.
Without this last point, we cannot overcome satan or the flesh. In verse 12 the voice says rejoice you heavens. It doesn't say "those who live in the heavens". It's basically telling all created things in the heavens, or, in the universe to rejoice over the fact that satan has now been thrown out of heaven and onto the earth. The end is almost here. This is a major event that the whole universe rejoices over. That being said, there is more to this verse and that is those who dwell in the heavens, that's heavens plural, not singular, are to rejoice. I'd suggest that this means there is more than one heaven, or at least, many levels in heaven. It tells me that there are angelic beings who live in many different heavens The
heavens may be rejoicing but not so those on earth.
Satan is now very angry and is ready to demonstrate his anger in
every conceivable way possible to those who dwell on the earth.
The text actually says that the devil knows his time is now coming
to an end.
He will do as much harm as possible in this short period of time,
which is three and a half years.
At this point we should know that the devil is well aware of
Biblical prophecy.
He knows that it is about over for him.
verses 13 through 16 satan pursues and tries to destroy God
protects Israel
during this time of tribulation for a time and time and a half a time, or
three and a half years, or 1260 days. We
note that the devil attempts to attack Israelis but they flee into the
desert. I
spoke about this earlier in the chapter.
In Daniel 11:41 Prophetic Futurists see Israelis fleeing their
country and going to the territory held by Verse
14 states that the woman; that's Verse
14 says that these Israelis fly out into the desert on two wings.
Might this be an airplane? Jesus
spoke of this flight into the desert in Mathew 24:15 to 28.
verse 15 we see satan spewing a torrent, a river out of his mouth against Since
I've attempted to take Revelation as literally as possible, In
verse 17 we see that the dragon, or satan, could not attack One
thing to note here is satan's intention to fight and to kill off the Jews.
He knows they are God's people and if he can kill them off, this
will thwart God's plan to have Jesus come to Revelation
13:1 ends this section in the NIV Bible.
It simply says that the dragon, or satan, stood on the shores of
the sea.
I would suggest this is the The
reason why satan is standing on the shore of the sea is because we will
see there is a beast that comes out of the sea that he gives power and
authority to.
Satan is just waiting for the beast's appearance on earth, which we
will see is the anti-Christ.