About Jesus - Steve Sweetman Jesus
Greater Than Moses (ch. 3:1-6) The
main topic of this letter continues in chapter three, and that is that
Jesus is greater than anything or anyone.
In this instance the writer says that Jesus is greater than Moses.
Once again, like Abraham, Moses was well respected by the Jews as
the one who gave them the Law. Now
this writer is saying that Jesus is greater than Moses as well. "Therefore
holy brothers..." is how he opens verse 1.
These brothers are holy only because of one reason and that is
because Jesus has made them holy by His supreme sacrifice.
This will be expounded on later in greater detail. We
should be reminded that the holy brothers are Jewish holy brothers who in
times past would have based their holiness on being children of Abraham
who now base their holiness on the cross of Christ.
writer continues by saying, "Who share in the heavenly calling."
What is the heavenly calling? The
calling is a call to Jesus but this call goes as far back as Abraham.
had a special calling to be a nation that would be an example of a godly
nation to other nations. Israel was to be God's representative to the nations of the world according to
Exodus 19:6.
next words are, "Fix your eyes on Jesus."
This clarifies the New Testament calling is from and to Jesus
Himself. This is what all of
the Old Testament was leading up to. It
was Jesus to whom these Jewish believers were to fix their eyes on,
especially now, since it appears that they were being drawn away from
Jesus back to Jewish legalism.
should these people look towards Jesus?
It's because He is "The apostle and high priest whom we
confess." In this letter
we will see that Jesus is called and referred to by many titles.
We have seen that He has been called the high priest in the last
chapter, as well as in this verse. He
is also called an apostle here as well.
Of course, you might say that He is the original apostle of God.
Remember, the word apostle means "one who is sent."
Jesus was sent by God, something many Christians have given little
thought to. We often think of
Paul, Peter, James, and others as being apostles, but so was Jesus. One
major debate over the book of Hebrews is to whom it was written.
Some say it was written to non-Christian Jews.
Others say it was written to Christian Jews who were being tempted
to revert back to and Old Testament Judaism.
I hold to the second view. It
appears to me that verse 1 supports this position.
Although I know it is debatable, I believe the words "holy
brothers" is in reference to Christian brothers and not Jewish
brothers. This becomes very
important when we come to Hebrews, chapter 6.
words "Whom we confess" are important.
We confess that Jesus is both Lord and Saviour.
Confessing is something that we do with our mouths.
The sad fact of the matter is that many Christians no longer
verbally confess Jesus. They
are silent. It's hard for me
to think that one who is a real born again believer, one who has handed
his life over to Jesus, doesn't speak of Him to others.
The author is reminding his readers that they should continue to
confess Jesus and not the legalism of the Law of Moses. The
Greek word translated as "confess" means to "speak the same
thing." So, confession,
in terms of the Bible, means to agree with God and verbally speak this
agreement. In
verse 2 the writer says that Jesus was "Faithful to the one who
appointed Him, just as Moses was faithful in all of God’s house (or
household)." Here we see
the comparison between Moses and Jesus begins.
The Jews recognized that Moses was a faithful servant of God as he
led The
temptation these believers were being face with was the temptation to
revert back to the Law, revert back to Moses.
In so doing, they were ranking Jesus under Moses in importance.
The author is at least attempting to elevate their thoughts of
Jesus to at least the same level as Moses.
the words "God's house" in verse 2.
In Old Testament Judaism God's house was Israel. God's house in New Testament
times is the Body of Christ. As
Moses was faithful to God's Old Testament house so Jesus is faithful to
God's New Testament house. You
can count on that.
good way to understand the word "house" here is to understand it
in terms of "household" or "family."
The writer is speaking of God's family here. In
verse 3 the writer makes a major statement. He
says that “Jesus has been found worthy of greater honour than
Moses." In verse 2 the
author tries to elevate Jesus to the same level as Moses, but here in
verse 3 he goes even farther. Jesus
is actually greater than Moses. This
may be a hard saying for these people to accept, but if they can’t get
over this fact, there is no use going on in the discussion.
Jesus is greater than Moses. If
these people refuse to believe this, then salvation cannot be found for
them. The
author says that Moses was a faithful servant in God’s household, yet,
Moses was still a servant. Jesus
is a servant too, yet He is far more than a servant as stated here.
He is the builder, the creator, of the household.
He is both builder of the household and servant in the household as
well. Therefore, the builder
has to be more important than anyone living in the household.
The house here refers to God’s household, the family of God, the
New Testament church. By
saying in verse 4 that "God is the builder of everything," the
author is saying that Jesus is very much a part of God.
Jesus and God are being used interchangeably in this passage.
This is just another notation the writer makes to state the
importance of Jesus. Once
again, this speaks to the Deity of Christ. In
verse 5 the writer says that Moses was a faithful man in God's Old
Testament house. This is
interesting in light of the fact that Moses was not altogether faithful.
As a matter of fact, because of his disobedience, he was not
permitted by God to enter the promised land, something I am sure Moses
must have looked forward to. Right
in the beginning, when God called Moses back to The
comparison between Moses and Jesus is seen in verse 6 in that Moses was a
servant in God's house but Jesus is a servant over God's house.
In this sense, there is a huge difference between Moses and Jesus.
Both are servants but Jesus has a greater responsibility than
Moses. Verse
6 specifically says that "We are God’s house."
No longer is there any need for a brick and mortar building, or a
temple, as was the case in Old Testament times.
The temple of the Old Testament was symbolic and prophetic of
something better to come. The
temple was symbolic of us, who are the dwelling place of the living God.
We as individuals have the Holy Spirit living in us, so we can say
on an individual bases that we are the In
verse 6 we also see the word "if." He
says if we hold on to our courage and hope we are that New Testament
temple. This might well
suggest that if one gives up the faith he himself is no longer a