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Imitating Christ’s Humility

Satan suggested to Adam and Eve that they could be like God if they ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Adam and Eve obviously thought this through and concluded that Satan was correct in what he suggested to them. So for the first time in human history the desire to be something beyond what God wanted was seen in man. The simple word for this is "selfishness".

From the Garden of Eden onward to today the basic human tendency from birth is to be selfish. This is easily seen in our children. From the earliest age we see our children thinking of themselves first. It just comes so natural to them.

Unless children learn not to be selfish they will grow up into selfish adults. Thus we see a world full of self seeking people who have never learned what it means to "seek the good of someone else" over and beyond the good of themselves.

This touches the heart and core of what being a Christian is all about. When we first come to Jesus we see that He is Lord. In making Him Lord of our lives we are telling Him that we do not want to live life in our own way. We want to live the

way He wants us to live. This means we no longer want to be selfish. We want to serve Him.

The Christian life is a process of learning what it means to lay aside our own selfish ways to serve the Lord and the people He has placed us with.

The test of a mature Christian is not how many spiritual gifts he may have, or his position in the church. The proof of maturity is how well he serves. Serving is the opposite of selfishness.

This brings us to Philippians chapter two. This chapter is exhorting us to live as servants of the Lord and is crucial in succeeding as a Christian.

Read Phil. 2:1-12 to see what Paul has to say to us about "the mind of Christ"


1  In one or two sentences what is Paul telling the Philippian Church to be like in these verses?







2  In verse 1 Paul says that we are united with Christ. As a result of this union he lists 5 things that we should have displayed in our lives. What are these 5 things?





3  Because of our union with Christ we experience these five things. Paul says his joy would be complete if we work them out with those in the church. What 4 things does Paul mention in verse 2 that we need in our relations with one another to succeed as a church?





4  What do you think Paul means when he says that we should be "like minded, one in spirit, and one in purpose?




5 After considering what "one in purpose" means, how do you feel we are doing as a church in this respect?





6  In verse 3 and 4 we see Paul using the word "selfish". What 2 things does he tell us to do in these verses in order not to be selfish?





7  In verse 5 Paul tells us that we need to have the same attitude as Jesus had. This attitude is one of humility. In verses 6 through 8 how did Christ humble Himself?






8  What does it mean when Paul tells us that

Jesus was "in the very nature of God?





9  Knowing that Christ was in fact God in human flesh, what do you think it means when Paul says that Jesus "did not consider equality with God something to be grasped at"?





10  Try to imagine how Jesus did not assert his equality with God. Can you think of some examples?






11  Jesus, who being God in human flesh humbled Himself by becoming a man. Then as a man He humbled Himself by becoming a servant. In verse 8 what was Jesus’ final humiliation?




12  Verse 9 begins with the word "therefore". As it is often said, "when you see the word therefore, you need to see why it’s there for". The word "therefore" links verses 6 through 8 with verse 9. As a result of verses 6 through 8 what happened to Jesus as seen in verse 9?




13  Jesus was exalted by God because He humbled himself as a servant. Do you think that there might be a principle of Christian living seen here? Do you think that if we humble ourselves that we might be exalted as well? If so, how?




14  In verses 10 and 11 what is the results of Christ being exalted?






15  If the church was exalted and glorified because of its humility as Christ was, do you think that it would have similar results? That is to say, would Christ be so worshipped and honoured because of our exaltation and glorification?







In conclusion Paul says, because we have been united with God through His Holy Spirit we have received comfort, encouragement, fellowship, tenderness and compassion. These things should be seen in our relationships within the church. If this happens then it would result in a church with people of one spirit and one purpose.


The only way we can have a church where everyone is like minded is when we humble ourselves as Christ did, and learn how to serve God and His people.

The reason why Paul tells us about Christ’s humiliation is not just to help us understand what He did for us. He tells us about Christ’s humiliation in order to stir us on to live like Him, resulting in a caring and purpose filled church.

The Lord wants a church with people of like minds and one in purpose, thus being effective in demonstrating His will. If we serve one another, and if we serve within the church, we will have such a church. We will also have the same results as Jesus did when He humbled Himself. As He was glorified, so we the church will be glorified. People will see us exalted as they see Jesus exalted, and give honour to God for what they see in us.

This is the purpose of God for the church; to have a humble people, loving and serving one another and being of one purpose. The way this comes about is through our humility. The end result is that as Jesus was exalted and glorified so the church too will be exalted and glorified, giving great honour to God.


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