About Jesus - Steve (Stephen) Sweetman

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Non-Christian Christianity 


Is what we have traditionally called Christianity in our western-world quickly becoming non-Christian?  For many reasons I think it is, yet in my opinion one reason stands out above the rest.  It's failing to understand and uphold the meaning of John 3:16 that defines Christian.  John 3:16 reads: 


"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."


Jesus spoke the above words in Hebrew or Aramaic which John later translated into Greek.  I will, then, make two assertions concerning the word "believes" in John 3:16 based on John's Greek text.        


Our English verb "believes" in John 3:16 is translated from the Greek word "pisteuo" which means "trusts," as in "whoever trusts in Him."  Pisteuo does not mean a mere mental acknowledgement of a fact, and thus, the Amplified Bible's rendering of John 3:16.  It reads:               


“For God so [greatly] loved and dearly prized the world, that He [even] gave His [One and] only begotten Son, so that whoever believes and trusts in Him [as Savior] shall not perish, but have eternal life."


Our English verb "believes" in John 3:16 is a present, active, Greek participle.  Simply put, a participle is a word, an adjective or noun, that is formed from a verb that describes something or someone.  In this case it describes one who will inherit eternal life as being a present-day, active demonstrator of his new nature in Christ as a believer, or as I say, a "trusting-in-Jesus one."  This Greek participle emphasizes a person being a trusting person over him or her simply doing the action of trusting.  I see a difference between doing something, like trusting, and being someone, like being a trusting person.   


Based on the above, I understand Jesus to have said that whoever is a present-day, active inherent believer, or a trusting-in-Me one, will not perish but will have eternal life.  It's more than doing.  It's being.  It's more than believing.  It's being a believer, and here's my point.  Much of what is called Christian today has exchanged the concept of actually being a believer with a mere acknowledged claim of believing.  Such a claim makes no one Christian. This has turned a matter of the heart that transforms a person into a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17) into a mere matter of the mind that has no transformative power.  It is why we have politicians claiming a great relationship with God but living a hypocritical life of ungodliness.  It is why a recent rap star can beat up a woman as he is pictured wearing a big cross on a chain around his neck.  It's why many are falling away from the faith because they see no real difference between being a Christian and a non-Christian. 


John 3:16 says nothing about a mere mental claim of faith, and if that is today's prevailing thinking as I think it is, our traditional Christianity in the western world is quickly becoming a non-Christian religion. 

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