About Jesus - Steve (Stephen) Sweetman

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Is It Really Blind Faith?


I have handed my life over to Jesus because I have come to understand, and am convinced that He is the ultimate universal authority.  Logic, then, dictates that I submit my life to His rule.  This submission is premised on me being rationally informed and spiritually enlightened, and that due to the presupposition that rationality and spirituality are inherent within a human being.      


Some people maintain that my submission to Jesus is a leap of blind faith, a jump into an obscure uncertainty that defies rationality.  They question how I can intelligently submit myself to a guy who lived a couple thousand years ago with a claim of divinity.  


If we are going to talk about blind faith, we must first understand how the Bible, not us, defines faith.  Biblical faith as it relates to Jesus means that the one with faith trusts Jesus, and trust is a matter of both the mind and the heart.  Trusting Jesus, then, is a rational process leading to a heart-felt commitment.  In this process, and a process it is, handing my life over to Jesus is both a matter of my rational mind and my spiritual heart.  


If you insist that my trust in Jesus is a blind leap into uncertainty, then I suggest that such blind leaps are common to most all aspects of our lives.  You may act upon good information, but your decision to act is seldom without some uncertainty.  You may drive to work, for example, based on an informed understanding that you will arrive on time, yet you cannot be certain that an unexpected traffic problem might make you late.  When you committed yourself to a trusting marriage relationship, as informed as you thought you were, uncertainty soon became a certain fact.  Hormonal informed certainty simply clouded over the uncertainty of married life.  The simple fact is that we all attempt to make informed choices knowing that each choice carries a measure of uncertainty. 


Manoeuvring our way through life certainly requires an informed rationality, but that does not nullify the uncertainty that exists beyond our informed choices.  That being so, a rational approach to life dictates that so-called blind leaps of faith are common among us all.  With that in mind, you cannot rationally portray my submissive relationship with Jesus in negative terms as being merely a blind leap of faith.  If you do, you must also admit that you exercise similar leaps of blind faith.    


I conclude where I began.  My submission to Jesus is premised on being rationally informed and spiritually enlightened, and that due to the presupposition that I am both a rational and spiritual being.  That being the case, I don't view my submission to Jesus in terms of jumping off the cliff of rationality into the abyss of uncertainty.


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