About Jesus - Steve (Stephen) Sweetman

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Your Claim To Faith   


Many who call themselves Christians claim faith in Jesus, but is their claim of faith valid?  Do they have the Biblical faith they claim, or is it just a claim?  Since much of our western-world Christianity is Biblically illiterate, do they even understand the meaning of Biblical faith?


Although it's a beginning step in true Biblical faith, faith or belief in Jesus is more than a mere mental acknowledgement of the existence of Jesus and the salvation He provides.  The words "faith" and "believe" that we read in the New Testament are translated from the Greek word "pistis."  Pisits means trust, and trust implies some kind of relationship with something or someone.  If you claim to have faith in Jesus, you claim to trust Him with your entire life, not just your salvation.  We don't just trust Jesus for the forgiveness of sin and all of which that implies.  Biblical faith is entering into a trusting relationship with Jesus.  With this in mind, read 1 Peter 1:6 and 7.


"In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials.  These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed."  


Peter wrote that if we have genuine faith in Jesus, that is, a valid trusting relationship with Him, our faith, our relationship with Him, will be tested in order to be proven  genuine.  These tests come through trials of life.  If we have a valid relationship with Jesus, which is faith, we will pass the test, but if we fail the test, our claim to faith was never genuine.  It was mere mental acceptance of the reality of Jesus and the salvation He provides, and that's not saving faith.      


Here's the obvious question.  Is your claim of faith Biblically genuine?  It's the question of the ages.  Your honest answer to this question will determine your eternal destiny. 


If I had one last message to speak before I die, it would be this one.  Hand your life over to Jesus so that you can enter into a trusting relationship with Him by receiving His Spirit into your mortal being.  At that point, your claim to faith will become genuine. 

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