About Jesus Steve Sweetman This Section - Chapters 16 Previous Section - Chapters 15 ch. 16:1-5 ch. 16:6-10 ch. 16:11-15 ch. 16:16-40 Timothy Joins Paul And Silas (ch. 16: 1 - 5) In
verse 1 we note Paul left Antioch
and headed west as was decided between Paul and Barnabas.
He and Silas passed through Derbe and then went to Lystra.
Paul had been in both of these cities on his first trip. While
in Lystra he met up with Timothy, who Paul most likely led to the Lord on
his first trip. The reason why I say this is because Paul calls him
"his son", as in son in Christ.
See 1 Corinthians 4:17, 1 Timothy 1:2, 18, and 2 Timothy 1:2.
term "son in the Lord" was often used by the first generation
Christians to denote a person who was led to Jesus by another.
John Mark, the Mark who wrote the gospel of Mark, was a son in the
Lord to Peter. See 1 Peter 5:13. It
is obvious that Timothy grew up in a mixed marriage situation since his
mother was Jewish and his father a Greek.
His mother must not have been a faithful Jew since she married a
Gentile and also since Timothy was not circumcised as a baby.
The Greek verb tense here suggests that Timothy's father might well
have been dead at this time in his life. In
verse 2 we note that the church in the area in which Timothy lived thought
highly of Timothy and this is partly why Paul conscripted him to come
along and help him on his missionary trip. There
might well have been a joint effort between those in the church and Paul
to choose Timothy for this ministry. Verse
3 tells us that Paul had Timothy circumcised prior to leaving on their
trip. Remember,
Timothy is a young man.
This circumcision would have been a somewhat painful thing for
Timothy to go through. Paul
circumcising Timothy has always been a matter of much talk and debate
among Bible teachers.
Why did Paul do this, especially when we know Paul put no
importance in circumcision, at least when it came to salvation?
Also, why did Paul have Timothy circumcised in light of the fact
circumcision was not necessary for Gentiles, as seen in the letter the
church at Jerusalem wrote in the last chapter?
tells us that Paul had Timothy circumcised because there were many Jews in
this region.
The Jews were necessarily Christian Jews.
I believe in fact that they weren't Christian.
Paul only had Timothy circumcised to make him more acceptable to
the Jews, thus making the ministry of the gospel easier to be preached and
This operation had nothing to do with Timothy’s salvation, or his
growth as a Christian.
It was only a practical matter that would only help spread the
gospel. To
Paul, whether one was circumcised or uncircumcised, it did not really
matter. There
was no big deal with Timothy getting circumcised, as long as there was no
hint of this having anything to do with his salvation. One
might ask how would people know if Timothy was circumcised or not?
Luke tells us the answer.
In verse 3 he says that "everyone knew that his father was a
Greek", therefore everyone would naturally believe he was not
So again, there was only one reason why Paul felt Timothy needed to
be circumcised and that was so the Jews in the area would not stumble over
the fact that Timothy wasn't circumcised.
Timothy was in a tough spot, being half Jew and half Greek.
Both Greeks and Jews would have a hard time accepting him.
Paul would favour the Jews in this respect because as he wrote in
Romans 1:16, "it's to the Jew first and then the Gentile".
thing that Paul did as he went through these cities as seen in verse 4 was
to deliver the Acts 15 letter to the churches.
Paul wanted to make it very clear that the Gentiles would not need
to associate themselves with the Mosaic Law.
The Law had nothing to do with them or their salvation, and he used
the letter to support his teaching. Note
in verse 4 the term "apostles and elders" who were in Luke
closes this section in verse 5 by saying that the churches "were
strengthened in faith" and grew in numbers. Of
course, a church can only be strengthened in the faith when individuals
are strengthened in the faith.
This strengthening is linked to more people being added to the Lord
and to the church.
I suggest that the two go hand in hand.
When the church is strong, it will grow.
When it is weak, it will not grow. We
should understand that when our English Bibles used the word
"church" here, it isn't church as we know it today.
The text could easily read; "and the community of believers in
these towns was strengthened".
Vision Of The Man Of Verse
6 says that Paul and his companions traveled through Phrygia and In
one incident the Holy Spirit told Paul and his friends not to preach in Then
a second incident tells us that the "Spirit of Jesus" told Paul
and his friends not to go into Bythinia.
Again, jus how the Holy Spirit told them is not stated in the text.
Once again, the Lord intervened and changed the direction that
these men were going.
The Spirit of Jesus certainly wanted Paul and the others to preach,
but He had a specific place for them to preach.
We also don't know the reason why the Holy Spirit sent Paul in the
direction that He did.
The text does not give us a reason.
has often been said that we should not be stagnant as Christians.
We should just go ahead and do something for the Lord, and if He
wants to change our direction He will let us know somehow.
The people who say this tell us that it is easier to steer a ship
that is moving than one that is not moving.
This appears to be the case with Paul and those with him.
That being said, I'm not saying Paul and his friends just up and
left on their trip without consulting the Lord, but it is clear that the
Holy Spirit did intervene and change Paul's mind concerning the direction
they must go.
that the "Spirit of Jesus" told these men not to go into
We can conclude that the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Jesus are
one in the same.
This shows you the oneness between the Holy Spirit and Jesus, which
is part of the argument for what we call the Trinity. In
Matthew 28:20, in the passage known as the Great Commission, Jesus told
the disciples to go into all the world and preach the good news.
He then said that He would be with them as they preach, even to the
ends of the world.
Well, in physical form, Jesus could not be with each and every
disciple as they spread out in all directions around the earth.
Jesus could however, be with them in the form of the Holy Spirit,
or, the Spirit of Jesus, as we see Him called here.
The Holy Spirit is in fact Jesus.
verse 9 Luke records that while in Troas, a coastal city, Paul had a
vision of a man from Note
in verse 10 the word "we".
At this point we know that Luke was with Paul because he includes
himself with those with Paul.
Note also that Paul didn't wait around.
They got going as soon as possible.
When Paul clearly knew the will of God, he didn't fool around.
He went and did what he was told to do.
verses 11 and 12, Paul, and those with him sailed northward and then took
a road inland to We
will note later that once Paul leaves this city Luke stays behind.
Some suggest he stays behind because this is his home town, but
that's speculation. So,
as Paul’s practice was, even after he said he'd go to the Gentiles a few
chapters back, we see in verse 13 he found Jews on the Sabbath and would
teach them. This time he found
a few women and he proceeded to speak to them.
One particular woman was named Lydia, a business person from Thyatira. You
will note that Thyatira is one of the seven churches Jesus addresses in
the book of Revelation. In verse 14
we see that
might wonder how Paul knew that Philippi
is considered a European city, thus Lydia, a woman, was the first European Christian, or so many think.
me it is interesting to note the phrase, "the Lord opened her heart
to respond". Over the
centuries there has been much debate over what God’s part is and what
man’s part in the process of salvation is.
I do not believe in predestination.
So, I believe man has a part to play in the conversion process, yet
on the other hand, God, by His Spirit has a part to play as well.
You see His part here, and that is "opening the heart" of
the unbeliever so that he or she can "respond".
From birth our hearts are closed, locked up from the presence of
God. Only the Spirit of God
can unlock our hearts and open the door to our hearts.
Once that door is open, and we see the light of the Lord shining
through, then it is our choice to respond.
As with Lydia, she responded in a positive way. Initial
salvation, as I call it, is a joint effort between us and the Holy Spirit.
It's not all us and it's not all the Holy Spirit. This
tells me how we can pray for the unbeliever.
I often hear people praying that Jesus will save a particular
unbeliever. Of course, He
wants that person saved. He
has already done all the work necessary for that person to be saved, but
He won’t make them be saved against their will.
Salvation is the choice of the individual.
Jesus can encourage them to be saved, by opening their heart’s
door to the gospel. The Holy
Spirit can speak to the heart of the unbeliever so he can hear the clear
gospel and decide for himself. So,
the prayer we should be praying is that God would open the door to the
unbeliever's heart and that the Holy Spirit would speak to that particular
person to help and guide him through the salvation process, if he so
decides that is what he wants. The
Holy Spirit can do all sorts of things in an individuals' life, whether
negative things or positive things, to get the unbeliever thinking of
going to the door of his heart in the first place.
Once he goes to his heart's door, he will hear the voice of the
Holy Spirit. You can count on
that. It
appears that the rest of Luke
records that all of
Lydia's household might well have been
quite large. She was clearly a
business woman. Throughout the
Roman Empire, women in Philippi had more freedom than in most other
cities, thus the reason why People
often derive the doctrine of "household salvation" from this
passage, as well as from the next section in the book of Acts.
This doctrine states that once the father, or in this case, the
mother who might well have been the head of the house became Christian,
the whole family was saved. Of
course, this denies the teaching that an individual commitment must be
made to Jesus in order to be saved. One
can't be saved because of another's faith.
should realize that much of the culture of this day was based on
community, especially so in Jewish tradition.
This means that if the head of the house became a Christian,
because of the great respect for the head of the house, the rest of the
household also put their faith in Jesus as well.
Thus, individual commitment is maintained. This
section closes with Lydia
inviting Paul and his company to stay at her place, but only if they
consider her a real believer. I don't know for sure, but maybe Once
again, Lydia, a Gentile woman, was the first Christian in European Rome, or so many think.
When Paul first came to this place of prayer, and saw only a few
women, he did not seem to be discouraged.
He preached to these few women, and just imagine what this little
gathering of people produced. It
set the stage for centuries of Christian activity, and millions of people
finding faith in Jesus throughout
Paul And Silas In Prison (ch. 16:16 - 40) Verse
16 says, "once when we were going to the place of prayer…",
meaning that Paul and his companions often went their to speak about Jesus
to the Jews.
Again, as noted in the last section, a place of prayer was an
outdoor place where Jews met.
If there weren't ten Jewish men in a community, they could not have
s synagogue, so they met outside.
On this occasion they met up with a "slave girl who had a
Through this spirit this girl would predict the future, thus making
lots of money for her owners.
verses 17 and 18 we note that this girl kept on following Paul around for
days saying that he and his friends were servants of the most high God.
This obviously became very irritating for Paul so he turned to the
girl, and told the spirit to come out of her in the name of Jesus.
The spirit immediately came out of the girl. Notice
that Paul did not cast this spirit out upon first seeing this girl.
It took many days for him to get upset enough to do this. This
suggests to me that Paul didn't cast every demon out of people that he
saw. Why
it took the situation to bother him to the extent the he finally cast the
demon out we just don't know.
cast the demon out of this girl in the name of Jesus.
The phrase "in the name of Jesus" is more than a phrase
you attach at the end of a prayer or a deliverance session.
"In the name of Jesus" means that as Jesus'
representative here on earth we as Christians have the power and authority
to act on His behalf.
So, on the behalf of Jesus, or, in the name of Jesus, Paul cast a
demon out of this girl. Verses
19 to 24tell us that there were in fact more than one owner of this slave
girl, and when they found out what Paul had done they were so upset that
they dragged Paul and Silas into the market place.
Note that both Timothy, and Luke, who was now with Paul and Silas
did not get dragged off for some reason. The
owners brought Paul and Silas before the magistrates” and told them that
these men were Jews, and that they were teaching things that should not be
taught to Romans.
Once the crowd in the marketplace heard what was happening they
joined in the attack.
The magistrates then decided to strip Paul and Silas and beat them.
Verse 23 tells us that once they were beaten they were thrown into prison.
They were put into an inner cell and had their feet fastened together.
25 says that "about midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing
It is amazing that these men were singing to the Lord while in
prison and after being beaten.
Then all of a sudden there was an earthquake that shook the prison
to its core, causing the doors to the cells to open and the chains to fall
off all of the prisoners. As
we have discussed earlier, Roman guards were responsible for keeping their
prisoners in jail and if one escaped the guard would be punished by death.
Knowing that the prisoners were now able to leave on their own
accord the guard pulled out a knife to kill himself, but Paul quickly told
him not to take such drastic measures because no one had escaped. Maybe
the other prisoners were just too shocked to escape.
the Lord used this event to bring salvation to this guard.
He was so overtaken with the event that he ran to Paul and Silas in
verse 30 and asked "sirs, what must I do to be saved”?
This man asked the right question.
He knew why Paul and Silas were in jail.
He knew it had to do with their teaching.
He now knew, because of this miracle, that what these men were
saying was true.
Thus once again we see the miraculous moving of the Lord in the
book of Acts and in the life of Paul and Silas. It
is interesting to note the word "sirs" in this verse.
The Greek word "kurios" is the word translated as
"sirs". This Greek word is often translated as “lord” in the
New Testament but can also be translated as "sir".
The jailer must have been thinking that Paul and Silas were two
very extra ordinary men. In
response to the guards question Paul says, "believe in the Lord Jesus
and you will be saved, - you and your household". First
of all we must understand the word "believe" here to be
"trust your life with Jesus".
This is more than mentally accepting what Paul said. This jailer
gave his life to Jesus in a trusting relationship. This is one of those often misunderstood verses. Paul told this man that the way to being saved was for him to put his full trust in Jesus for salvation in all of its varying aspects. This is important to the context. The only way that this man would receive God’s salvation was for him to put his trust in Jesus. Therefore, when it comes to the rest of his family, the same rule would have to apply to them. They were not saved because of the father's faith. Each person in this man’s household came to salvation after they heard the Word of God that was preached to them in great power. Each person believed for themselves. This verse, especially in light of the rest of the Bible, does not teach what is often called "household salvation", that is, father gets saved and the rest are automatically saved. You also cannot claim salvation for members of your family and use this verse to back up your claim. In
the Greco/Roman culture back then, the father, or, the mother if she was
the head of the family, was well respected.
Because of this respect, it was normally the case that when he
adopted a way of thinking, or did something, the rest of the family
followed his lead.
This would have been the case here. Verse
34 says that the guard "was filled with joy because he had come to
believe in God – he and his whole family".
This verse is important to what I have just said concerning
household salvation.
Luke says that this man had come to believe, and also that
"his whole family" had come to believe.
This says it clearly, that is, each member of the family believed
for themselves.
is apparent that once the family members were baptized the guard took Paul
and Silas back to prison as seen in verse 35 and 36.
Most likely Paul and Silas did not want any harm to come to this
new believer.
When daylight came the guard was told by the authorities to release
Paul and Silas. In
verse 37 we see that Paul wasn't going to be quietly released from prison
and sent on his way.
Paul and Silas were Roman citizens, and being beaten and imprisoned
without a trial was illegal.
Paul was now standing up for his civil rights.
He demanded the authorities come down, release them, and publically
lead them out of town.
suggest that there are some things to note here.
Both Paul and Silas were Romans.
Do you remember when Paul and Barnabas split up and Paul decided to
take Silas?
We noted then that the choice of Silas was wise since he was a
Roman and Barnabas wasn’t.
Seeing what just happened, maybe the split resulting in Silas going
with Paul was God’s will after all. The
point here is that by Roman law, a Roman citizen could not be beaten.
A major injustice had been done against both Paul and Silas.
Paul was standing up for his legal rights.
He was not being a poor humble Christian and simply taking the
abuse. He
was exerting his rights as a Roman citizen.
To me, this is important.
Christians do not always need to take a back seat and be second
class citizens.
We're not door mats.
Western world Christians do
have some civil rights; at least for now.
That may change.
If our legal rights are being discriminated against, we can follow
in Paul’s footsteps and demand our rights.
fact that Paul and Silas were Romans put legal fear into these
They could have been prosecuted themselves for their unlawful act.
Paul didn't demand the full extent of his rights here.
He could have appealed to a higher court but he didn't.
He just wanted public recognition which in turn would have
embarrassed the authorities.
chapter ends by the authorities telling Paul and Silas to leave town, but
Paul didn't leave right away.
You might say that he took his own sweet time to leave.
He first visited the brothers in the Lord who were gathering at