About Jesus Steve Sweetman Chapter 5 The
Song Of Deborah (ch. 5:1 - 31)
you read the Bible, you will soon notice that there are many different
writing styles. There are
narratives. There are
historical records, like the listing of names.
There is poetry, and in this case, there are songs.
When it comes to poetry and songs, because of their nature and
writing style, the emphasis is on conveying a mood, a feeling, a rhyme.
Biblical poetry and song are accurate in their account of
history, but it's not the main reason for why they were written, so some
things are left out. For
this reason, and for other reasons of writing styles within poetry and
song, translating can be difficult at times.
1 simply tells us that both Deborah and Barak penned a song which we'll
now look at. Verse
2 says, "when the princes of One
of Verse
2 goes on. "When the
people willingly offer themselves".
The important word here is "willingly".
Whatever we do in the service of the Lord is most affective when
we do it willingly. Sometimes
we have to do what is necessary even if we aren't willing, but if we do
what we need to do, in all honesty before the Lord, I believe the
willingness will come. Verse
2 and verse 9 ends with "praise the Lord".
You can tell that this song is a song of praise, of thanksgiving,
of victory, and of praise to the Lord.
Deborah and Barak are very happy and very thankfull.
3 is directed to the kings, but not kings of We
see Verse
6 describes a bad situation in Israel
before the battle being sung about here.
Shamgar predated Deborah by a few years.
We saw him in chapter 3:31. You
can see my notes there. The
suggestion here is that Israelis could not travel on the main roads.
They were in fear of the Canaanites.
They had to take the back roads.
This was the case until Deborah came along, who became known as
"the mother of We
see in verse 8 that Israel
chose other gods, the gods of their oppressors.
They gave into their oppressors so they would be protected from
being clobbered by their enemies. In
verse 9 we see the praise given to Israel's leaders, the leaders we saw
in verse 2, the good leaders, not the bad leaders, of which were many.
10 talks about 3 different types of people.
Those who ride on white donkeys represent royalty.
When Jesus road into Jerusalem
on the donkey, he was telling everyone that He was Israel's king. Those ridding on
soften blankets here represent rich people, while those walking,
represent poor people. This message is for all. One
point concerning donkeys is that Israel
was not permitted to have horses. They
could have donkeys. Horses
were a symbol of Gentile pagan strength.
This is why Jesus rode into Verse
11 is an encouragement to the above 3 groups of people, or really, all
of Verse
12 says "wake up, wake up".
The problem is that six and a half of the twelve tribes of In
verse 20 we see mention of "the stars and the heavens".
This suggests to me that God was involved in battle with those
who did participate in the battle. Verse
23 states that the angel of the Lord says, "curse Meroz".
Meroz was probably a city or town.
The angel of the Lord, as I see it, and as many others see it, is
pre-incarnate Jesus. It is
not Deborah or Barak. Most
scholars believe the angel of the Lord as seen in the Old Testament is
pre-incarnate Jesus. This
city should have fought but didn't, and for that reason, the Lord was
going to curse the city. In
verse 24 Jael is being blessed, and many people believe it is Deborah
who is doing the blessing
here. Jael was a Gentile who
acted in support of The
story related here in the song is very gory.
We have to realize that people back in these days are not as
cultured as we are today. When
it comes to war, the end result is the same.
People are killed, but we don't often actually see the killing
because we don't often use hand to hand combat any more.
We use bombs and missiles. In
verse 28 to the end of the
chapter Deborah mocks king Sisera's mother.
You might not think this is very nice of Deborah.
This mother had just lost her son in battle, but again, this is a
different time, a different culture than ours today.
That being said, people haven't changed.
We still mock the mother's of dead men in battle. Verse
28 to 30 show the heart felt love of a mother. She
stands at the window and wonders where her son is.
It's a sad portrayal of this mother.
One of her servant girls tries to help her by saying he has been
delayed because he is collecting his spoil of war.
in verse 30 the phrase "a girl or two for each man".
The Hebrew actually says, "a womb or two for each man".
Women were seen as spoils of war.
They became sex slaves for the victors.
Again, we see the horrific culture people lived in back then. Verse
31 ends this song. "May all your enemies perish ..."
The lord does have enemies. His
enemies are our enemies. At
some future date, all the enemies of God will perish, but until then, we
need to rid ourselves of the enemies in our lives
If we don't, they will overtake us.