About Jesus - Steve Sweetman Next
Section - Chapter 20:24 - 31 Jesus
Appears To His Disciples (ch. 20:19-23) In verse 19 We note that this section of John took place on the first day of the week. That is out Sunday.
in verse 19 we now see Jesus appearing to the disciples behind locked
doors, as in more than one door. They
were afraid that the Jews would soon come after them for being followers
of Jesus. It is clear by the
context that Jesus did not nock on the door and wait to be invited in.
He just appeared out of thin air. At
this point we know that Jesus appears in what has been called His
resurrected body. There has
been much discussion about what Jesus' resurrected body looked like, but
we just don't know for sure. We
saw in the last section that Mary did not recognize Jesus until He said
her name. From other accounts
we know that others did not recognize Jesus at first.
There had to be something different about the way Jesus looked
after His resurrection than what He looked like before.
Obviously, as we will see, He still had the nail prints in His
hands, feet, and the scar where the sword pierced His side. It appears to
me that we will always see the nail prints in His glorified body
throughout eternity. This
might be suggested in Revelation 5 where John is told to see the Lion of
the tribe of
Bible teachers suggest, as I once did, that because Jesus could simply
appear behind locked doors that He was in His glorified body.
He might well have been in His glorified body but simply appearing
in a room does not prove that.
Philip, in Acts 8, experienced something similar and he was not
living in his glorified body. Jesus'
first words were "peace to you."
They were already in fear of their lives because of the Jews, and
now an appearance of Jesus out of thin air in itself could have been quite
fearful. These words of peace
were very much needed at this point in time. Remember,
in the last section Jesus told Mary that He had not yet been to His Father
so she was not to touch Him, but now, as we will see later, Thomas touches
Jesus. He has obviously been
back to His Father and now just appears from Heaven at will and to whom He
wishes. In
verse 20 Jesus showed the men His hands and His side to prove that it was
Him. He had the nail scars in
His hands and the scar from the sword in His side. We, therefore, know
that Jesus’ body retained something from His humanity, at least in the
way it looked, and, at least to a degree.
Again, to what degree Jesus' glorified body looked like his old
earthly body, we just don't know. Jesus
may have been in a glorified body but it appears that the scars from His
human death for our sins will remain with Him throughout eternity as a
reminder to us of His act of love on the cross.
Yes, Jesus did return to His Father, but He was in a different
state of being than what He was before His incarnation.
This is why I’ve always thought that Jesus has eternally changed
His being on our account. What
Jesus is now is not what He was before the incarnation.
He is still the same in person, but not in appearance. As
John 1:1 states, prior to His incarnation Jesus was the "logos",
the "word' of God. That
in one very real sense of the word means that Jesus was in fact the mind
of God, but now, after His resurrection He is more than the mind of God.
There is a distinct and separate distinction between He and God.
verse 21 Jesus says, "Peace be with you." This
is the second time He has said this. He
is saying that they can receive His peace, a peace that will keep them
through the doubts, through the difficult times that lay ahead of them.
They can now be confident in the fact that He is alive.
His peace can sustain them in all things. Jesus
goes onto say, "As the Father has sent me, so send I you."
These men were in the process of being sent out into the world to
represent Jesus to mankind, just as Jesus represented His Father in the
world. This is one very
important calling these men have just received.
If you understand the nature of God's calling on the life of Jesus,
you will realize that Jesus' calling on these men's lives was a very
serious matter. In the exact
same way Jesus obeyed His Father's will, so these men were to obey Jesus'
will as they represented Him to the world. This
is a major thing for us to consider. I
suggest that in many instances, if not most instances, the church has not
represented Jesus as Jesus represented His Father.
Jesus breathed on them and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit."
The question needs to be asked here.
Did these men receive the Holy Spirit at this particular time?
If so, what did they receive in Acts 2?
Without going into too much detail, I strongly believe that this
was merely a symbolic gesture on the part of Jesus.
They did not receive the Holy Spirit at this time. In
John 7:39 John makes clear that the Spirit would not be given to believers
until Jesus was fully glorified. As
we saw in the prayer of Jesus in John 17, Jesus’ understanding of Him
being glorified was at the ascension when He returned to the Father for
good. At this point in time,
He has not returned to the Father for good.
He was going back and forth from Heaven to earth.
Yes, Jesus had a glorified body, but He Himself was not yet
glorified and honoured as He would be at the ascension, as He implied in
His John 17 prayer, which I suggest you read again.
in Acts 1:4 Jesus told these men to wait in Jerusalem until they received
"The gift that the Father promised."
This gift is clearly the Holy Spirit; although some have confused
this point by saying the gift is the Baptism in the Spirit. The gift of
God is the Holy Spirit. The
way in which the gift was given was like a baptism.
We should not confuse the gift and the way the gift was given.
The important thing is the gift, not the way in which the gift is
given. It
is thus clear that the believers received the Holy Spirit in Acts 2 on the
Day of Pentecost, and not here in John 20.
This fact has great implications in the Pentecostal doctrine of the
Baptism of the Holy Spirit that would make this experience not a second
work of grace as Pentecostal teaching claims. Verse
23 needs some thought. Jesus
says to these men that if they forgive men their sins, they are forgiven,
and if they don’t forgive men their sins, they are not forgiven.
To make a long story short, this means that as Christians, we
represent Jesus on earth. We represent Him to the degree that we can
actually proclaim forgiveness of sins to the repentant person. We can
actually say, "As a representative of Jesus on earth, your sins have
been forgiven." In
one sense of the word Catholics come closer to this Scriptural truth than
Protestants, except for the fact that only priests can forgive sins in the
Catholic system. I believe
that we are all representatives of Jesus, if we are born again of the
Spirit of God, and therefore we all have the authority to announce to a
person that their sins have been forgiven.
verb tense is important here. The
verbs "are forgiven" or "are not forgiven" in the
Greek text are in the perfect tense. I
suggest we understand it this way. "Their
sins have been forgiven or have not been forgiven."
The point here is that we are not actually forgiving the sin.
We are simply announcing that God has or has not already forgiven
the sin.
Next Section - Chapter 20:24 - 31