About Jesus - Steve Sweetman Jesus
Promises The Holy Spirit (ch. 14:15-31) When
singing any hymn or Christian song with the words "I love you
Jesus" in it, I’m always reminded of the words of Jesus in verse
15. As a matter of fact, I
don’t really sing those words in a worship service.
I think we should consider what we’re singing and act
appropriately. Jesus says here
that if you love Him, you will obey Him.
How many people sing these words on a Sunday morning but don’t do
as Jesus tells them. I’m not
sure we have the right to tell Jesus that we love Him if we neglect what
He tells us. When
we give ourselves to Jesus, when we trust Him with our lives, we are
saying that we want to obey Jesus. I
know obedience is a process. It's
also a struggle, but obedience should be our goal as a Christian. Love
is not an emotion. It is an
action. If there is no visible
actions associated with the love you claim to have; you just don't love.
It is as simple as that. In
verse 16 Jesus said the following. "I
will give you another Counselor to be with you forever – the Spirit of
Truth." Jesus was leaving
these men, but He was not forsaking them.
Someone else was taking His place.
Note Jesus said that it was “someone else”, not “something
else”. The Spirit of Truth
is the Holy Spirit. The Holy
Spirit is not an "it". He
is a "He". Jesus
has just told these men that He was truth, and now He says that He will
ask the Father to give them the Spirit of Truth.
In actuality the Holy Spirit of Truth is Jesus in another form,
yet, at the same time the Holy Spirit is distinct from Jesus since Jesus
is at the right hand of God right now. We know that the Holy Spirit is the
Spirit of Christ because the Bible says so in Romans 8:9 and 1 Peter 1:11.
need to note that Jesus calls the Holy Spirit a counselor.
One who counsels is one who helps us with the understanding of
truth and how to apply the truth in our lives.
This is one of the jobs of the Holy Spirit in the lives of
believers. Note
the word "another" in this verse.
There are two Greek words that are translated into English as
"another." They
mean, another of a different kind and another of the same kind.
In this instance the another used is "another of the same
kind." This is important
because Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one. They
are not another of a different kind. They
are another of the same kind. Note
that the NIV uses the word "counselor" here.
The JKV uses the word "comforter" which is not the best
translation of the Greek word "paraklatos" which means
"called to one's side."
says that the world "cannot accept" the Holy Spirit because it
does not know Him. Only those
who have given themselves to Jesus in a trusting relationship can receive
the Holy Spirit in their lives. Also
in verse 17 Jesus tells the Eleven that they will receive the Spirit.
In fact Jesus says that the Spirit lives "with them" but
will be "in them." How
did the Spirit of God live with these men?
The Spirit of God is the Spirit of Jesus.
Jesus was with them at the present moment but in a few short weeks,
Jesus, by His Spirit would live within them.
No other religion makes this claim.
Receiving the Holy Spirit into one's life is fundamental to being a
Christian. Romans 8:9 says
that if you don't have the Spirit of God you do not belong to God.
You can't get it any clearer than that.
I've said, the Spirit of God living within the Christian believer is
something that is not common among the world religions.
An example of this would be to talk with a Jehovah Witness.
They have no concept of the Spirit of God living in the believer.
The best they have is that hopefully they will be guided by the
Spirit from above or outside of them.
They get bogged down in any discussion of the Holy Spirit living
within us because they are not taught about this truth. As a matter of
fact many don’t even know what took place in Acts 2 if you ask them. Verse
18 is interesting. Jesus says,
“I will not leave you as orphans, but I will come to you."
How is He going to come to these men?
He comes in the form of the Holy Spirit.
Once again, in one real sense of the word, the Holy Spirit is Jesus
in another form. He is the
Spirit of Christ as well as the Spirit of God. In
verse 19 Jesus tells the Eleven that "before long the world will not
see Him." These words are
in reference to Jesus’ ascension into Heaven.
Then He goes on to say that these disciples will see Him.
The world won’t but they will.
They will see Jesus through the Holy Spirit.
The world cannot see Jesus through the Spirit because they cannot
receive Him. Thus, another job
of the Holy Spirit is to unite us with the living Christ who is now seated
at the right hand of God. In
the Spirit we can see Jesus. Verse
19 says, "because I live, you also will live."
Jesus was about to die, but He would soon rise from the dead.
His resurrection did not end by Him coming out of the tomb.
His resurrection was fully realized in His ascension into Heaven.
I believe the life Jesus is speaking of here is eternal life.
Since Jesus lives right now in Heaven, in eternity, those who have
received the Holy Spirit will live forever as well.
It's all because we have the eternal Holy Spirit living within us. In
verse 20 Jesus says that "on that day you will realize that I am in
the Father, you are in me, and I in you."
That day refers to the Day of Pentecost.
It is that specific day when Jesus by His Spirit came to live
within these men. The Holy
Spirit brings a union between us and Jesus to the degree that Jesus can
say that He is in us and that we are in Him. It
is similar to the union that Jesus has to His Father, and that is why He
says so here. The problem is
that our humanity constantly interferes with this union, but someday that
will not be a problem This
paragraph ends in verse 21 with Jesus saying that whoever has my commands
and obeys them is he who loves me. This
person will be loved by Jesus and the Father, and, to the person who obeys
Jesus, He will show Himself to that person.
Thus we now know why many of us seldom really see Jesus working in
our lives. It is because we do
not obey Him. The proof of our
love for Jesus can only be seen in our obedience to Him. In
verse 22 we see the other Judas among the Eleven.
He asks why Jesus would show Himself to them but won’t show
Himself to the world. As
in many cases, Jesus does not seem to directly answer Judas’ question.
He in fact in verse 23 repeats Himself by saying that if you love
me you will obey my commands and then I and the Father will come and live
with you. Note a new addition
of thought here. When the Holy
Spirit comes to live in us, both Jesus and the Father comes as well. This
shows us the triune nature of God, although being distinctly separate they
are one. I
don't believe many Christians have seen this point.
When you receive the Holy Spirit into your life, both the Father
and the Son come into your life as well.
think that Jesus is implying an answer to Judas’ question.
I think what He is saying is that He will not show Himself to the
world because the world will not obey Him.
Our first step of obedience to Jesus is to trust Him and give
ourselves to Him. Unless you
do this, Jesus will not give Himself to you.
verse 23 Jesus says something that is often overlooked in Christian
circles. We all believe that
the Holy Spirit comes to live within the believer, but, in this verse
Jesus also says that both He and the Father will come and live within the
believer. This obviously speaks to the concept of the Trinity.
verse 24 Jesus says just the opposite.
Those who do not love Him will not obey Him.
Once again, it's simple. Love
for Jesus demands obedience. Love
for Jesus is proven by your obedience to Him.
This obedience will be visible in your life.
People will see your obedience. In
verse 25 Jesus simply says that He is speaking these things to them while
He is yet with them, but, as seen in verse 26, Jesus says that the Father
will send the Holy Spirit in Jesus’ name.
What does this mean, especially in light of Acts 2:33 where Peter
says that Jesus received the Spirit from the Father and poured Him out on
the believers? Also, in John
15:26 and 16:7 Jesus says that He sends the Holy Spirit.
Who then sent the Spirit, Jesus or the Father? Jesus
said the Father sent the Spirit in Jesus' name.
If Jesus and the Father are one, then both send the Holy Spirit
into the lives of the believer. Once
again we need to understand what "the name of Jesus" means.
When we do anything in the name of Jesus, we are doing it for Him,
on His behalf. God the Father
was thus sending the Spirit on the behalf of Jesus, thus in one sense of
the word Jesus was sending the Spirit because He was sent by the Father in
the name of Jesus. To
be technical, all that Christians do in the service of the Lord is in the
name of Jesus. We bare his
name. We represent Him and His
good name to the culture in which we live.
The phrase "in the name of Jesus" is more than just a way
to end a prayer. In
verse 26 Jesus says that the Holy Spirit "will teach you all
things." All that we
really need to learn about God is taught to us by the Holy Spirit.
He may use people to be His mouth piece, but we will never properly
understand what the mouth piece means without that inner working of the
Holy Spirit in our heart. It
is the Holy Spirit that gives us the proper understanding that we need.
The Holy Spirit is vital in our understanding of Jesus.
Christians have taken verse 28to say that they don't need anyone to teach
them about God, Jesus, or Biblical issues, but that is not correct.
Even the briefest reading of the New Testament shows us that
teachers are a valid ministry in the Body of Christ.
Of course, these teachers are Holy Spirit inspired teachers.
Jesus says that the Holy Spirit will remind these men of the things He has
told them. This too is vital
because much of what Jesus has told them was not understood by them, but,
when the Spirit came into their lives He would remind these men of what
Jesus said, and then help them understand what Jesus said.
Thus we see yet another job of the Holy Spirit.
That is to teach and remind us of the things that Jesus said. In
verse 27 Jesus tells these men that He is leaving them with peace.
It is not the kind of peace that you can find in the world, if you
can actually find peace in the world.
It is an inner peace that comes from knowing Jesus.
Our lives may not always be easy.
There may be turmoil and depression, yet there is a peace of God
within the real Christian that can pull us through anything if we allow
it. In
Biblical terms, there are two kinds of peace.
There is peace with God. This
means we are on His side. We
are no longer enemies of God. Then
there is peace in God, which I believe we see here.
Peace in God is that inner peace we have because of the Holy Spirit
living within us. In
verse 27 Jesus tells the disciples, and us to, not to be troubled or
afraid. This clearly suggests
that if we are walking as we should with Jesus, we should win the battle
over fear when it comes our way.
verse 28 Jesus repeats that He is going away. This
time He says that if these men loved Him they would be glad that He was
going away. It is clear that
the disciples aren’t that glad about Jesus’ departure.
Most of all, they are confused because of lack of understanding. To
me, love has a lot to do with understanding.
If we can understand those we need to love, it makes it easier to
love. These disciples loved
Jesus to the best of their understanding, but since their understanding
was incomplete, their love was deficient, therefore Jesus could say,
"if you loved me." The
reason why Jesus says these words is because of their lack of rejoicing at
the mention of His leaving. This
is the part of understanding that the disciples are missing.
They miss the point that once Jesus leaves He and His Father will
send the Holy Spirit to them which was God’s plan all along.
God’s plan was never to have Jesus stay on earth forever, at
least not this time around. Jesus
also says that He is going to the Father who is greater than He.
How is the Father greater than Jesus?
In His humanity Jesus is limited in all that He is.
His desire as seen in His prayer of John 17 is to go back to the
Father and be glorified or united with Him.
At that point He will no longer be limited with humanity.
In this sense of the word, as Jesus says these things, the Father
is greater than Him in all respects. There
may be another way that the Father is greater, and this may be debatable.
The Father sent Jesus in the first place.
This may suggest that the Father is above Jesus in authority.
At the moment Jesus is central to all things because He is in the
process of putting all things under His feet.
At some future point Jesus will put all things under His feet,
including death, and then, He will hand all things back to the Father,
including He Himself (1 Corinthians 15:20 - 29).
This may suggest a subservient and positional nature of the
relationship between the Father and the Son.
Yet even as I say this we cannot underestimate who Jesus is.
He is in fact God and part of the triune nature of God.
verse 29 Jesus tells the Eleven that He is telling these things to them
before they happen. Yes, they
don’t completely understand, but Jesus must tell them about His
departure. After it is all
over and they receive the Holy Spirit, all that Jesus says will come to
mind with complete understanding. When
the things Jesus is telling them now come to pass, it is certain that they
will believe. The fulfillment
of prophecy is one huge faith builder.
verse 30 Jesus tells the Eleven that He will not speak much longer with
them because "the prince of this world is coming."
The devil is about to have what he thinks is his hour of power.
The arrest and killing of Jesus is the hour of darkness that He has
mentioned before. The hour of
darkness is when the devil has His way, but as we also know, the devil was
really the tool of God. It was
God’s will that Jesus die. All
that would take place in the days to come, no matter how dark things got,
was the will of God. In
verse 30 Jesus says that the prince of the world, the devil, has no hold
on Him. Satan has absolutely
no effect on Jesus. He can
temp Jesus all he wants, but will fail each time. In
verse 31 Jesus says that the world must learn that He loves the Father and
that He obeys Him implicitly. How
would they know this? They
would know this through His death. Jesus
obeyed His Father, even unto His death.
Isaiah 53 clearly shows us that it was God's will for Jesus to
suffer human death. As a
human, Jesus obviously struggled over that, but, when He hung on the
cross, all watching, whether they understood it or not, saw the ultimate
demonstration of obedience. The
last sentence in this chapter says, "come now, let us leave."
Some suggest that they left the upper room at that point and the
things Jesus says in the next two chapters happened somewhere else.
Others suggest that the next two chapters actually took place as
they were getting ready to leave. It
is quite possible that Jesus tells the Eleven that it is time to leave,
but before they actually do leave He says some more things as they stand
and talk.