About Jesus Steve Sweetman My Commentary On Joel Introduction
The following commentary is based on
both the 1984 and the 2011 edition of the New International Bible. The chapter titles of my
commentary correspond with the chapter titles of the NIV to make for easy
comparison. Before I begin this commentary I would
like to say a few things about my own prophetic leanings.
The bottom line to these leanings is that I do not believe anyone
has the full understanding of Biblical prophecy.
I take John 14:29 to be fundamental to my beliefs concerning
prophecy. There, Jesus told
His disciples that He would die, rise from the dead, ascend to heaven, and
give them the Holy Spirit. They did not understand at the time they heard what He was saying, but, when what
He was saying would be fulfilled. T then, they would remember His prediction
and believe them to be true. Therefore,
I attempt to understand what the Bible predicts, but, even though I don't
fully understand it all, at least I know what the Bible says so when it is
fulfilled, I will remember, know, believe, and respond accordingly.
If we do not know that the Bible says about prophecy we will not respond
accordingly. Beyond what I've just said, I am what
they call a Prophetic Futurist. This
means that I believe much of the book of Revelation is yet to be
fulfilled. Beyond that, there
is a lot of gray in my understanding of the exact fulfillment of Biblical
It's quite clear who wrote this
prophetic book of Joel. It was
a man named Joel, but what Joel it was we are unsure.
There are 13 Joel's mentioned in the Old Testament.
Which Joel wrote this prophetic book is unclear.
The name Joel means "the Lord is
God." Joel's father was
Pethuel, meaning, "vision from God."
That seems appropriate.
There is a discrepancy
among scholars to just when the book of Joel was written. The most common
consensus seems to be that it was written somewhere before 722 BC probably
around 750 to 760 BC or a bit earlier. Others
say he was a contemporary of Elijah that would have had him live in and
around 900 to 850 BC. Still others say it had to be after the return of
the Jews from Babylonian exile in 538 BC because chapter 3 verse 6 speaks
of Jews of Judah and Jerusalem
being sold to the Greeks. That
would have been after Babylon
fell to the Persians and then after the Persians fell to the Greeks.
All that depends though if Joel 3:6 is understood as history past
or prophetic of history yet to be fulfilled in Joel's day.
That being said,
none of this is 100 percent certain. Many
Evangelical Bible teachers seem to think the book of Joel could
well be the first of the prophetic books written.
If that is so, this book would be amazing.
Just think of it. God,
through Joel, predicted events that would happen at the end of this age
way back to maybe 850 BC.
It is also thought by many, but not by
all, that it was written from Jerusalem. I think the text suggests
that it was written from The main theme of the book seems to be
"the Day of the Lord," sometimes called the last days, which
usually refers to the time of the end of this age, the very last day of
this age, and the 1000 year rule of Jesus on earth from Jerusalem. Many Bible teachers say
specifically that the "Day of the Lord" is the last seven years
of this age, also known as the seventieth week of Daniel or the
tribulation period. We should
note that not all scholars believe the Day of the Lord spoken of in Joel
speaks to the end of this age. Most
Prophetic Futurists, which I am, do believe the Day of the Lord refers to
the end of this present age. A
Prophetic Futurist believes that the book of Revelation will be fulfilled
at the end of the age. Those
who believe in Replacement Theology, meaning the church has replaced Why do I say that the Day of the Lord is a period of time and not just one day as the term seems to imply? If you read the Bible passages that speak of the Day of the Lord you will note that it really is a period of time that culminated in one special Day of the Lord, that being, the return of Jesus to earth. Joel 2:3 to 11 speaks of a specific war as being the Day of the Lord, a war that does not last just one day. If this war is indeed the Day of the Lord that Joel says it is, then the Day of the Lord must be a period of time. There are other Biblical passages that also speak to this war and the events that end this age that is seen as the Day of the Lord. See also Isaiah 13:1 to 6 and Ezekiel 30. They are just 2 more examples of the Day of the Lord being a period of time. The book of Joel is quoted three times
in the New Testament. Peter
quoted Joel 2:28 and following on the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2:16 to 21
when he stated that in the last days God would "pour out His Spirit
on all flesh." In Matthew 24:29 Jesus quoted from
Joel 2:31 when He said that "the sun will be darkened, the moon will
turn to blood, and the stars will fall from the sky."
Paul, in Romans 10:13, quoted Joel
2:32 when he said that "anyone who calls upon the name of the Lord
will be saved." The Apostle John alluded to the book
of Joel in Revelation 6:12 and also in chapter 9 when he predict great
earthquakes. Note to whom this book is written.
Verse 2 of chapter 1 states it was first and foremost written to
the elders of Joel 1:3 tells us that children and
children's children, meaning, future generations, need to hear what is
written in this book. I
specifically feel that the generation of Jews who are alive today need to
hear the message of this book. All
Jewish generations need to hear this message as seen in Joel 1:3.
I would think the very last generation of Jews is the generation
who need to understand this book most because it is to them this book is
in reference to. I would also
suggest that all the generations of all nations need to hear this message
in these last days, especially because of what you read in chapter 3. Joel 1:5 speaks of
"drunkards" needing to hear the message of the book of Joel as
well. Certainly this means
those who are drunk with wine, but I think you can take this to mean even
more than people drunk with wine. Many
are intoxicated with all sorts of things.
They are drunk with materialism and the cares of life.
As being drunk with wine robs you of your senses to that which is
happening around you, so many things in life can rob you of being aware of
what is happening and will soon happen as the end of this age approaches.
Whether Jews or Christians, we should never be intoxicated by the
world around us. It's for this
reason many miss the meaning of this book. Many new Christians find themselves
very interested in Biblical prophecy so they want to jump right into the
book of Revelation, but, if one can begin to understand Old Testament
prophecy as we read about in the book of Joel, the book of Revelation
becomes a bit clearer. What I would like to do in this
commentary is to not only major on the prophetic aspects to the book of
Joel but also relate what God says to