About Jesus Steve Sweetman This Chapter - 34 to end of Exodus ch.34:1-29 ch. 34:29-35 ch. 35 through ch.40
New Stone Tablets (ch. 34:1 - 28) In verses 1 through 3 God
tells Moses to prepare two tablets of stone like the ones he broke when he
saw Israel
worshipping the gold calf. God
was in fact giving Moses and Israel
another chance here. Once
Moses made these two tablets, he was to come to Verses 4 and 5 simply
state that Moses did as he was told and that he met with God. The actual meeting of God
and Moses takes place in verse 5 where God proclaimed His name to Moses.
His name as stated here is "the Lord'.
That's "Yahweh". You
will remember Exodus 3:13 – 16 is where God officially introduced
Himself as "Yahweh" to Moses and Israel. The word
"proclaim" here means "to cry out, or to call".
God announced His appearance with a cry, or a loud voice.
The announcement can be understood in terms of a royal
proclamation. All of this proclamation
is found in verses 6 and 7. God
proclaimed; "The Lord, the Lord, (Yahweh Yahweh) the compassionate
and gracious God, slow to anger, and abounding in love and faithfulness,
maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and
sin. Yet He does not leave the
guilty unpunished, he punishes the children and their children, for the
sin of their fathers to the third and fourth generation."
There is a lot in this
proclamation. First of all, He
mentions His name "Yahweh" twice.
He also says that the Lord is God.
In Hebrew that means, "Yahweh is Elohim."
That means the God that is speaking to Moses is the only true God.
He is the God of creation. When
you see the word "God" in the creation account in Genesis, that
is the Hebrew word "Elohim". God says of Himself that
He is compassionate, gracious and slow to anger. He
does not say that He never gets angry, because we have seen that God does
get angry. When Israel
worshipped the gold calf, God Himself said that His anger burned within Him. Exodus
32:10) That being
said, He is compassionate and gracious.
He does not like to express anger.
He'd rather express love and grace, because that is fundamental to
who He is. God says that He forgives
wickedness, rebellion and sin, and that He does.
But this forgiveness is based on justice.
He does not indiscriminately forgive sin.
His forgiveness isn't sloppy love, as I call it.
There is a process to go through in order for God to forgive sin.
This is seen in the next phrase that says the He will punish the
guilty, and not even the guilty, but their children, grandchildren, great
grandchildren, and great great grandchildren. You might ask, "how
does God forgiving sin correlate with Him punishing the guilty and their
descendents?" This is the gospel that
is found in Jesus. God entered sinful humanity and was punished on our behalf so we would not have
to be punished. We'd simply
receive God's love and grace. If
we choose to reject God's provision that is found in the cross of Christ,
there is no other way to be forgiven.
We will receive worse punishment than what would have normally been
pronounced for the sin we committed. In order to receive
forgiveness of sin, we must repent. That
is acknowledge our sinfulness. After
that we must accept the fact that Jesus was punished in our place.
When we apply the cross to our sinful lives, we are forgiven.
We also need to
understand that forgiveness is only the beginning of the matter.
We are forgiven in order for the Holy Spirit to come and live
within us. God cannot live in
sinful man, but since Jesus took away our sin, even though we still sin,
He can live inside of us by His Spirit because those sins have been
accounted for and punished. That's
not the end of the matter either. We
receive the Holy Spirit in order to be reconciled to God, do His will, and
live with Him forever. The idea that God
punished people's children to the third and fourth generation is hard for
most to understand. This is
how I think about this. I
believe God is speaking of "generations" here, not
"individual" children. If
a child or a grandchild come to Jesus in repentance and faith, he is
forgiven. The punishment ends
there. That being said, the
whole generation will suffer as a result of their parents sin.
The same is true in reverse. I believe western nations
and their generations have been blessed due to their embracing of the
Reformation. I think that is
quite evident. On the other
hand, western nations are now departing from what they learned from the
Reformation. We are now
beginning to see God's punishment, or, the withdrawal of His blessing from
one generation to the next because we and past generations have forsaken
the ways of God. Simply put,
God punishes the generation, not the individual. In verse 8 Moses responds
to God by falling to the ground and worshipping God.
This is the only thing He could possibly do.
We will do the same at the end of this age.
The New Testament teaches that all mankind will bow their knees and
confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Some
will confess with humble and grateful hearts. Other's will confess with
regret because they failed to confess Jesus as Lord in their lives. There's much teaching
today concerning calling God "daddy".
There is some New Testament precedent for this.
The word "abba" that is found three times in the New
Testament is an affectionate expression for a father, and in these cases
for our heavenly Father. That
being said, there is much more overwhelming Biblical teaching that tells
us that God is a consuming fire and the we cannot stand in His presence.
I do not think we can teach the "abba nature" of our
relationship with our heavenly Father without clarifying who God really
is. We cannot take His or His
name lightly, but this is what many people are doing these days. In verse 9 Moses says,
"O Lord, I have found favour in your eyes."
These are humble words. Moses
is grateful that he has found favour in the eyes of God, even though he is
a sinner. This should always
be our response before God. We
should leave any pride at the door and come to God in great humbleness.
We deserve nothing from God, other than punishment.
I say that the more we know of God, the more we know God, the more
appreciative and humble we
become. Moses continues to plead
with God from this position of humbleness
He pleads that God will go with Israel, even though they are so sinful. Remember,
God told Moses back in chapter 34 that He would send an angel before In verse 10 we see God
making a covenant with He promises Israel
that He would do miraculous things among and before them, things that no
other nation has seen God do. Notice
that God is now calling Israel
a nation. They are more than
His people. They are a nation.
In verse 11 you see what
miracles God is speaking of. If
Verse 12 is so important,
both to The world, which in one
sense is our enemy, will be a snare to us if we align ourselves with the
world. We will soon adopt
worldly ways and lose the ways of God in the process.
This happened to In verse 13 God says that
when In verse 14 we see yet
another name by which God calls Himself.
We need to note at this point that every name God has for Himself
is descriptive of who He is. It
shows a character quality of Himself.
This particular name of God is "Jealous".
Most people view jealousy as a negative trait, but not so with God.
He is a jealous God. If a wife flirts with
another man, the husband of the wife has the right to be jealous because
the wife should not be flirting with other men.
In this instance, jealousy is a normal response, and should not be
viewed as being negative. God
is jealous as well. We have
been made by Him and for Him. For
this reason, our first allegiance is to our God. Verse 15 is also very
relevant both to Israel
back then and to the church today. Again
God tells Note the term
"prostitute themselves with their gods."
Worshipping any other god in the eyes of God is actually
"spiritual prostitution." Note
that these pagan cultures civilizations prostitute themselves.
We think of Israel
doing the same when they worship other gods.
But in reality, all nations on the earth were to worship the one
and only God. Israel
was set apart to be an example to those other nations.
So no matter who it is, even if it is the Christian today, when we
give ourselves to other religions we are committing spiritual adultery.
Note also the words
"eat with them". Eating
was a part of most pagan ceremonies, as it was with Israeli worship.
God would later tell In verse 16 God says that
when the sons of Verse 17 simply says
"do not make cast idols." That
is simple enough to under stand. This
was the second of the Ten Commandments that God repeats here. From verse 18 to verse 29
I will not comment on every verse. God
commands Note that three times a
year every Israeli man had to appear before the Lord.
These times were the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Feast of Weeks, and
the Feast of Ingathering. They
would have to appear before the tabernacle, and later at the temple when
it was built. That meant that
Jesus would have gone to Note verse 27.
God told Moses to write these commands down because He was making a
covenant with him and In verse 29 we see that
Moses wrote on the two tablets of stone the Ten Commandments.
This is the first mention that these commandments were called
"the Ten Commandments". Notice that Moses was
with God on the mountain again for another 40 days.
This reminds me of Jesus being in the desert for 40 days.
Of course, the life of Moses is prophetic of Jesus, so you would
expect such similarities. The
Radiant Face Of Moses (ch. 34:29
- 35) This section states how
Moses' face radiated because he was in the presence of God.
His face was so bright that he had to where a veil on it, but when
he went into the presence of God, he removed the veil.
This sections seems to
suggest to me that Moses and God met quite often.
I'd suggest that maybe God met with Moses more than any other man
in the Old Testament. From
this point on, it seems like they met on a regular basis.
God and Moses seem to have a special communion with each other, and
again, this is prophetic of Jesus and His heavenly Father.
The removing of the veil
by Moses when in the presence of the Lord suggest a New Testament
principle. Nothing can or
should separate us from the Lord when we are in His presence, not even a
veil. Sabbath
Regulations (ch. 35 to the end of ch. 40) I will not make much
comment on the rest of Exodus. In
these chapters Israel
builds what God instructed. All
that is stated in these last chapters can be seen in earlier chapters when
God told Moses how to build the tabernacle.
The following is traditional Jewish style writing, which is very
repetitive. The following states the construction of the tabernacle just
as God told Moses to build it. Note in chapter 40 that
once everything was built, it was Moses who put all the furniture of the
tabernacle in its place. I
think that is significant and prophetic.
It is Jesus who actually comes back to earth at the end of the age
and puts everything in its place concerning
the church, What I'm about to say is
based on "typology", meaning, these Old Testament events often
have prophetic meaning. Note
that the glory of God came to the tabernacle after
Moses put the furniture in place. The
tabernacle itself was built by the people.
Moses put the furniture in its place.
Over the last two centuries Christians have been building the
church with the help of the Holy Spirit.
Moses represents Jesus here, and as the glory of the Lord came to
the Tabernacle after Moses put the furniture in its [place, so the glory
of the Lord will be seen after Jesus returns and puts the final touches on
to the church. This would
refute Restoration Theology that states we as Christians will perfect the
church and only once we've finished, Jesus will return.
He will return to the glory of God in the church.
I don't believe that. I
believe that He will return and as a result, the glory of God will come to
the church. In chapter 40, verse 24,
after Moses put all things in its place, the glory of the Lord came to the
tabernacle. In my thinking,
this is what takes place at the end of the book of Revelation.
The glory of the Lord is finally seen in His people. The book of Exodus ends
with us learning that the cloud of God's glory stayed at the tabernacle.
When it lifted, that meant The last thing to learn
from the book of Exodus is that Israel
was to follow the cloud of God's glory.
So too are we, both as individual Christians and the church.
We follow our Lord, or at least we should.
He does not follow us. I'm
not sure if this is what really happens though. May God help us follow the
cloud of His New Testament glory. Amen.