About Jesus Steve Sweetman chapter 8 Do
Not Forget The Lord (ch. 8:1 - 20)
1 states that Israel
was to be careful and obey all the commands that God had given her so
they could enter and possess the land God promised their forefathers.
Some might think that the possessing of the land depended upon
obedience, as this verse states, and that is right.
That being said, there is another aspect to this.
Obedience was key to possessing the land but the words
"promised on oath to your forefathers" is important.
God promised Abraham that his descendents would get the land.
He can't break that promise, and He won't.
Therefore, there will be a generation of descendents of Abraham
that will obey and will possess the land.
This will happen because, as Zechariah said, God will pour out a
spirit of repentance upon Verse
2 tells us the reason for Israel's exile by God in the desert for forty years.
It would be a time of testing. You
would have thought that It
is my thinking that as Christians in this age in which we live, we live
in the "desert age". The
of In
verse 3 we note that God caused Verse
3 states one of the verses that Jesus quoted when he was tempted by the
devil in the desert. It is a
bit ironic that Jesus Himself was tested in a desert.
"Man shall not live by bread alone…"
There is more to the good health of humans than food and drink.
There is that spiritual side of man that needs to be heard and
obey the Word of the Lord. Only then, can we really be a whole person.
Over the centuries, man has tried to find this, but have always
looked in the wrong direction, and still do.
Spiritualism, new age, and the occult are ways in which we try to
find what Jesus only can provide us. In
verse 5 Moses reminds the Jews that even though with all the walking in
the desert, their shoes did not wear out.
God does provide when we obey.
The question is, "what does provide mean"?
I don't think we should think in terms of what the Prosperity
Teachers suggest, and that means great prosperity of wealth and health.
This verse is speaking of God providing the basics.
is clear to me that in this age of grace we as Christians live in the
invisible Verse
5 is quoted in the New Testament in the book of Hebrews.
Moses states that as a father disciplines his son, so God
disciplines His children. Thus
the testing and the suffering that Verse
6 says, "observe His commands, walking in His ways, revering
Him". To me, the
word "walking" suggest daily living.
As we walk through our lives we should both obey God and revere
Him. Revere
is another way of saying "fearing God", a term the Bible often
uses. We should not
only respect God, but we should have a healthy fear of Him.
Many people don't like thinking of being afraid of God, but in
one real sense of the word, if you understand who God is, you will be
afraid of him, yet, as we run from Him in fear, we have no other choice
than to turn back to Him, the only one who really loves us. Verses
7 through 10 tell us why Israel
was to walk in the ways of God and revere Him.
It is because From
verse 10 to the end of this chapter, Moses again reminds Israel
to obey God, because if they don't, when they grow in numbers and get
wealthy, which they will, they will forget about God. How true. I believe
much of the western world today has done just that.
In the beginning, many people in Verse
17 is real important. Moses
states that when and if Israel
gets rich, and when and it they forget God, they will say that it was
their power and ability that made them rich.
Moses states that it was God Himself who gave Israel
the "ability to produce wealth".
How interesting. I
believe we can say the same for nations today.
It was God who gave the western nations the ability to produce
wealth, but we now claim that ability came from ourselves.
God will judge us for that. Verses
19 and 20 states that if Note
verse 20 states that God destroyed nations before this time.
It is God alone that causes nations to rise or fall.
He is in charge, and always has been, and always will be.
That's why Jesus told Pilot that he had no authority other than
what God the Father allowed him to have.