About Jesus Steve Sweetman Chapter 32 ch. 31:29 - 32:47 ch. 32:48-52 The
Song Of Moses (ch. 31:29 – 32:47)
In this chapter we
actually see the lyrics to the song of Moses.
We note in verse 1 to
whom this song is directed. It's
directed to everyone who resides on the earth and in the heavens.
It's a song for mankind and angels, and whoever else may exist in
both the spiritual world and the material world. This
tells me that this is one important song. In verse 2 the song
states that the "teaching" that comes from God is like the
dew, like the rain, that causes all vegetation to grow. This surely must
tell us how important the teaching of the Lord is.
If we don't have the teaching of the Lord placed deep into our
hearts and lives, we will not mature in the Lord.
We will die as fruit dies on the vine. This
is what I see is one of the biggest problems among both Christians and
Jews these days. We don't
know the Bible and our lives show this to be true. In verse 3 Moses sings,
"I will proclaim the name of the Lord".
The name of the Lord in Moses days was Yahweh.
Yahweh is Israel's Elohim, or God. Moses
will shout the name of the only true God from everywhere he goes.
His words and his life will demonstrate to all he meets that His
God is Yahweh. We as
Christians should do the same. We
should proclaim the name of our Lord, and He is Jesus.
Way too often in our lives we do not proclaim the name of Jesus
in word and in action. We
whisper His name more than proclaim it. There's a lot in verse 4.
God is a rock. He is
solid. He is unmovable.
He is strong. He is
perfect. Nothing God does is
imperfect, and that would include His judgments as seen in the curses of
the last couple of chapters. He
is faithful. If God says He
will do something, he will indeed do it.
You can count on that. This
really takes on significance when you think of the prophetic aspect to
the teaching of Yahweh. What
is predicted will come true. We've just seen some good
qualities of God, now in verses 5 and 6 we see the opposite in Israel. Even though God is the
Father, their creator, they have corrupted themselves in turning to
their own ways and to other gods. "To
their shame, they are no longer children", as the lyrics state.
Jesus told the Pharisees in John 8 that their father was not
Abraham as they claimed. He
told them that their father was the devil, no longer the children of
God. Whether Jew or
non-Jew, if left to our own ways, humanity will always corrupt itself.
Verse 8 is interesting.
It states that God gave the nations their inheritance and divided
their lands. What does that
mean? In Genesis 10 we note
the genealogies of Noah's three sons.
We note in Genesis 10:5 that God set people into nations.
In verse 25 that God divided the earth.
It is controversial what these two verses really mean.
When it comes to verse 25 some suggest crusts of the earth
shifted and we have a physical shifting of the earth, as in earthquakes.
Other's suggest that people were simply divided into nations.
Whatever the case, Genesis
10 is most likely what Deuteronomy 31:8 is speaking about. The simple
fact is that God is not only sovereign over Israel, but over all nations of the earth. This is clearly seen in the book of
Revelation, and that is one reason why the song of Moses is found in
Revelation 15. Verse 8 also states why
and how the boundaries of nations were divided.
The NIV states that the boundaries of Gentile nations were set by
the number of the sons of Israel. There is a problem here.
The Septuagint does not translate the Hebrew word as Israel
in the last half of verse 8. It
translates it as "angel".
So, either it's the sons of Those who feel the proper
translation is the word "angel" turn to Daniel 10.
Here we see angels in relation to nations.
To make a long story short. Many Bible teachers believe there are
angels associated over every nation on earth.
You see in Daniel 10 the prince of Here in verse 8,
according to some, the boundaries of nations are divided according to
angels. Daniel 10 gives us a
glimpse of the invisible war that is taking place in the heavenly realm.
You might note that
Jesus, in Revelation chapters 2 and three directed His comments to
"the angels" of the people of God in seven particular cities.
You might conclude from this that there are both good angels and
bad angels associated with cities and geographical areas.
The Greek word that is translated as angel in Revelation and
elsewhere in the New Testament means "messenger".
This tells us that angels are sent from heaven to various
localities on earth as a go-between, from heaven to earth. Verse 9 tells us that out
of all the nations of the earth, the Lord has His own portion, His own
chosen people, and that's In verse 10 the song says
that in the desert and in a barren land the Lord found and shielded him.
The word "him" refers to Jacob in the last verse, and
Jacob refers to Israel. Yahweh looked after
while they were n the desert, and even while they were in disobedience
in the desert. Note the phrase
"apple of His eye" in verse 10.
This has nothing to do with the fruit.
This phrase is an idiom. The
point to this phrase is that God's main focus of His eyes and attention
on Israel. He is single minded and
single hearted when it comes toIsrael. In verses 11 and 12 the
song compares God to an eagle that looks after her young.
The text states that like a baby eagle that falls out of the
nest, the mother eagle swoops down and catches the baby.
This is the picture of God swooping down and protecting Israel. We must remember, as
stated many times before, that God looks after Israel, even when she is not following their God, and even when God is
punishing her for her disobedience.
There is an everlasting relationship between God and Israel. Verses 13 to 15 shows how
God looked after Israel
while they wandered in the desert. This
is important because we know that most of the time while in the desert, Israel
wasn't following God that well. God
does not leave Israel, even when they are not following Him.
He may turn His back on her in times of punishment, but He will
never leave her. The name Jeshurum seen in
verse 15 is simply an old Hebrew name for Verses 15 to 18 speak of
how From verse 19 onward we
note God's response to Israel's falling away from Him. He
is very angry. We should
note that we now see the words "I will" throughout the
following passages. That
means this song is now entering the prophetic stage, as in, "I
will" do what I need to
do to judge you and cause you to finally return to me.
In verse 21 God states
that He will make You see the Jews in the
new Testament being very angry at the thought of Gentiles having
anything to do with God and His righteousness, but that is what is being
predicted here. Verse 22 is a picture of
the end of this age. The
text states that God's anger will burn like a fire that will devour the
earth and shake the mountains. That
clearly suggests to me the Great Tribulation.
We also notice that this part of the prophetic song is not
directed to the Jews alone, but to the whole world, including the earth
itself. This destruction is
first due to the fact that God's people continue to refuse to do His
will. Some people see this
shaking as the explosion of nuclear weapons during the Great
Tribulation. From verse 23 onward we
see all the calamities that will come to Israel, and eventually the whole earth. Some
suggest that this is prophetic of the Roman invasion of Verse 34 states that the
things spoken of here are kept in reserve, as in a sealed vault until
the time when God wills for them to take place.
The vault will someday, and I believe soon, be opened and the
wrath of God poured out on the earth. In verse 35 God said that
in time He will avenge, He will repay.
The Bible is clear. God
alone will punish From verses 36 to 43
there is a shift of thinking in this prophecy.
The Lord basically says that once He has punished Verse 42 states that God
will make His arrows drunk with blood.
I see this as God using the nations of the world and their
weapons to perform His will at the end of this age during the Great
Tribulation. Verse 48 tells the
nations of the world to rejoice because God is avenging nations,
including Israel
for their sins. The reason
why nations should rejoice is because when God punishes at the end of
this age, we know restoration of Israel
and the nations is the next thing on God's agenda.
It is as Jesus said, "when you see these things begin to
come to pass, look up for your redemption is near". In verses 46 and 47 Moses
ends his song and this long sermon which has been the whole book of
Deuteronomy. He tells Moses
To Die On
This section states that
Moses climbed Moses died on
There is another thing to think about concerning Moses and the book of Revelation. If Moses and Elijah are the two witnesses in Revelation, the son of Moses that is song in Revelation 15 might take on a clearer meaning. You will note that the song of Moses sung in Revelation is not the same as sung here. It is much shorter. If Moses is alive during the Great Tribulation on earth, he might well have adapted his song for that specific time period. Thus the song would not have to be lyrically exact as what you see here.