About Jesus Steve Sweetman chapter 15 ch. 15:1-11 ch. 15:12-18 ch. 15:19-23 The
Year For Cancelling Debts (ch. 15:1 - 11)
The secondary point to
this section is the poor. Note
in verse 8 that you lend to the poor.
It's not a handout. At
least according to this passage, it suggests that the lending of money
to the poor is to help him get back on his feet and pay the loan back.
Verse 10 sounds a bit
like a New Testament passage. The
Jews were to give generously and not grudgingly.
This is really the basics to New Testament giving.
As I've said before, the New Testament does not tell us to tithe.
It tells us to give generously, according to our ability, and to
give joyfully. Verse 11 states that you
will always have poor people in your midst.
This reminds me of Jesus. When
Judas accused Martha for wasting her perfume on the feet of Jesus, he
said the perfume should have been sold and the money given to the poor.
Obviously Judas was not thinking of the poor.
The passage states that. Jesus
told Judas that the poor would always be here, but He would not always
be here. There will always
be poor people, therefore, there will always be a need to lend to the
poor. Notice back in verse 6
that if Freeing
Servants (ch. 15:12 - 18) This section sets forth
another seventh year law. Every
seven years, all slaves must be set free.
There is one exception, and that is if the slave does not want to
be set free. If this is the
case, then with an awl, you put a hole in his ear lobe.
The way it's done is the slaves head is placed by a door post,
the awl goes into the ear lobe and into the door post.
The whole symbolizes the will of the slave to be a slave forever
by choice. In New Testament
times, this is called a "bond slave".
Paul spoke of himself as being a "bond slave" to the
Lord, that is, a slave to Jesus by choice.
You might ask, "why
doesn't this law simply abolish slavery"?
I'm not certain I can give the real answer.
I do believe if you read through this passage that there is an
underlying thought that the slave owner will take care of the slave with
respect. That would be why
some slaves would not want to go free.
It's clear that God did not abolish slavery, but I'm convinced
that the improper use and treatment of slaves is detestable in the sight
of the Lord. The
First Born Animals (ch. 15:19 - 23) I will not comment on
this section. This section
concerns giving the first born of one's livestock to the Lord.
The one thing to note
here is that Israel
was not to eat the blood of animals.
The blood was sacred.