About Jesus    Steve Sweetman

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Jesus is Creator

There are other proofs to show Jesus being God as
well. One is the fact that Jesus is Creator. Look at the
following verses.

Heb. 1:10
"...in the beginning, O Lord, you laid the foundations
of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands."

John 1:3
"Through Him was all things made, without Him was
nothing made that has been made."

Col. 1:16
"For by Him were all things created, things in heaven
and things on earth, visible and invisible, whether
thrones, powers or rulers or authorities, all things were
created by Him and for Him."

These scriptures clearly show that Jesus is the
Creator. I especially like the last part of Col. 1:16,
where it says, "all things were made by Him and for Him".
This is something that we must never forget. He is the
Creator. We are His creation. He can do what He wills
with us by the right of creation. We have no right to
challenge anything He does. I am convinced, that with
this heart felt attitude we will go through life and will
be able to accept what comes our way with greater ease.
If He so chooses to let us experience what Job went
through then it is His prerogative. That is His will for
our lives and all we can do is receive the grace He
provides us in the situation.

Jesus is Sustainer of All Things

Jesus is not just the Creator of all things but the
one who keeps things going, the sustainer of all things.

"He is before all things, and in Him all things hold

Heb. 1:3
"The Son is the exact representation of God ...and
sustains all things by His powerful word."

Here too the thought is clear. Jesus sustains all
things. Some people are like Deists who believe that God
created all things and set all things in perpetual motion.
That is to say all things move along on there own steam as
a result of the initial push from God. These
scriptures suggest that all things are sustained and kept
going by Jesus, and not by their own power. This gives
great meaning to life. This means that Jesus is active in
every aspect of life. He has not withdrawn Himself from the
affairs of man and nature. He remains a very vital part
of all things, which includes our individual lives with all its
distinct situations.

Jesus Performs Divine Activities

There are certain activities that only God can
perform, such as forgiving of sin, raising of all the
dead, and the execution of judgement. These three things
are called by theologians as the "Prerogatives of Deity".
These prerogatives of Deity can be found in Christ Himself,
showing that He is God. Read the following scriptures and
you will see this to be true.

Matt. 9:2-6
" ...When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the
paralytic, Take heart son, your sins are forgiven... But
so that you may know that the Son of man has authority on
earth to forgive sins."

John 6:39-40
"And this is the will of Him who sent me, that I shall
lose none of all that He has given me, but raise them up
at the last day. For my Father's will is that everyone
that looks to the Son and believes in Him shall have
eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day."

John 5:22-23
"Moreover, the Father judges no one, but has entrusted
all judgment to the Son, so that all may honour the Son
as they honour the Father..."

Jesus Identified with Jehovah

Jesus was identified with Jehovah of the Old
Testament. What I am saying here is that things said
about Jehovah in the Old Testament are said about Jesus in
the New.

One example is that both Jesus and Jehovah were seen
as Creator, which can be seen in Psa. 102:24-27. This
scripture is repeated in the New Testament concerning Jesus
in Heb.1:10-12.

Psa. 102:24-27
"...your years go on through all generations. In the
beginning you laid the foundations of the earth, and the
heavens are the works of your hands. They perish but you
remain, they will all wear out like a garment, ...but you
remain the same, and your years will never end."

Heb. 1:10-12
"In the beginning O Lord you laid the foundations of
the earth, and the heavens are the works of your hands,
they will perish but you will remain, they will all wear
out like a garment, ...but you remain the same and your
years will never end."

These two verses paint a very exalted picture of
Jesus, in the sense that He is said to be God, and also in
the sense of His eternally creative power. As I read
these scriptures at this time it makes me feel that we
really do need to see, know and understand just who Jesus
is at the present moment. He is more than the Jesus we
saw when He was on earth. He has absolutely no humanity
as He did in the gospel accounts. He is God.
Both Jehovah and Jesus were said to lead captivity
captive. Look at these verses.

Psa. 68:18
"When you ascended on high you led captives in your
train, you received gifts from men, even from the
rebellious that your Lord God might dwell there."

Eph. 4:7-8
"This is why it says: When He ascended on high he led
captives in His train, and gave gifts to men."

Both Jehovah and Jesus were said to be sanctified, or
set apart.

Isa. 8:13
"And He will be a sanctuary, but for both houses of
Israel He will be a stone that causes men to stumble, and
a rock that makes them fall."

1 Peter 2:7-8
" Now to you who believe this stone is precious. But
to those who do not believe, the stone the builder
rejected has become the capstone, and a stone that causes
men to stumble and a rock that makes them fall."

Jesus and His Names and Titles

There are also specific names and titles that are
found in the Bible that imply that Jesus is God.
Jesus Himself uses certain metaphors that imply the
supernatural aspect to Himself, as can be seen below.

John 6:41
"...I am the bread that came down from Heaven."

John 10:9
"I am the gate, whoever enters through me will be

John 14:6
"I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes
to the Father except through me."

John 15:5
"I am the vine...if a man remains in me and I in him,
he shall bear much fruit."

Rev. 22:13
"I am the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, the
Beginning and the End."

Rev. 3:14
"These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and
true witness, the ruler of God's creation."

All of the above scripture tells us things about
Christ that came directly from His own mouth. I am
especially reminded of John 14:6. This is a common Sunday
School memory verse, but it remains very powerful. "I am
the way, truth and life, no man comes to the Father but by
me". That elevates Jesus far above any other esteemed
religious leader. There is absolutely no other way to
God, except through Jesus Christ the Lord, God's One and
Only Son. With this declaration the line has been drawn.
Jesus is the only one on His side of the line. The rest
are on the other side of the line and are all imitators
and imposters. Salvation, union with God cannot be found
anywhere else, only through the Lord Jesus Christ.


The name Immanuel means, "God with us". Matthew
records this as being the name given to Jesus which is in
direct reference to an Old Testament scripture. First
read the Old Testament verse and then read the New
Testament account.

Isa. 7;14
"Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign. The
virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son and
will call him Immanuel."

Matt. 1:22-23
"All this took place to fulfill what the Lord said
through the prophet: The virgin will be with child and
will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel
-which means, God with us."

How clear and visible can it be. Jesus is "God with
Us". Jesus is God in human form. Once again in order for
us to begin to understand and relate to God we need to see
him in a recognizable form. God became man in order
that we might be able to relate to Him. This is the love
of God that is in Jesus Christ who has been given to us.

The Son of Man

The term "Son of Man" is quite often used of the Jesus.
A matter of fact in all cases but one in the New Testament
Jesus is the one that uses this term to describe Himself.
It seems that this was His favourite title that He had.
He knew that He was the Son of God, yet at the same time
He humbled himself to be the "Son of Man". As Son of Man
he did many things. Let's look at a few things as seen in
the following verses.

Matt. 9:6
"So that you may know that the Son of Man has
authority on earth to forgive sins..."

Matt. 12:8
"For the Son of Man is Lord over the Sabbath."

Matt. 20:28
"Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served but
to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many."

"Jesus said, I tell you the truth, at the renewal of
all things, when the Son of Man sits on the throne in
heavenly glory, you who have followed me will also sit on
twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel."

Matt. 26:64
"...In the future you will see the Son of Man sitting
at the right hand of the Almighty One and coming on the
clouds of heaven."

Many other scriptures could be quoted here about Jesus
being the Son of Man and doing things that only the Son of
God could do. These passages should be sufficient to show
that as Son of Man He did have God inherent qualities and
tasks to perform.


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