About Jesus - Steve (Stephen) Sweetman

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Come Lord Jesus


Revelation 22:17 reads:


"The Spirit and the bride say, 'Come!' And let the one who hears say, 'Come!' Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life."


Revelation 22:20 and 21 read: 


"He [Jesus] who testifies to these things says, 'Yes, I am coming soon.' 'Amen. Come, Lord Jesus' [John]. The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s people. Amen."


Note the word "come" in the above three verses.  We are invited to come and take the free gift of life from Jesus.  Jesus said He will come back, to which John responded with a hearty "Amen, come Lord Jesus."  Then, after the horrors John just penned, he closed his account with "The grace of our Lord Jesus be with God's people." 


I'm not dogmatic when it comes to Biblical prophecy and the Book of Revelation.  I lean (emphasis on lean) towards a futurist view of Revelation that may still be far off into the future, and, I'm far from convinced of a pre-tribulation rapture.  Knowing these presuppositions, anyone alive as this age ends will desperately need all that God's grace means, as John wrote.  


Biblically speaking, God's grace is His love directed to us who don't deserve it, as seen in His free gift of life in verse 16 above.  God's grace is also His divine ability given  to us to accomplish His will in our lives, as seen in John's hope for grace to endure in verse 21.   


Considering this second aspect of God's grace, I wonder how many of us take advantage of God's divine ability to accomplish His will in our lives.  It's this aspect of grace that will be needed for those living at the end of this age because when it's all over, a multitude of God's people will have been executed for their association with Jesus (Revelation 6:9 - 11, 7:9 - 16).  Enduring obviously requires God's divine empowerment.     


When surveying our western-world Christianity, I see many wanting Jesus to come but few preparing for His coming.  I see an over-involvement with the enticements of our culture.  Preparing for anything important is a necessity.  It's why, for example, we invest our money for retirement.  It's why Jesus advised us to store our treasures in heaven and not on earth (Matthew 6:19).  It's why He told us not to be like those five foolish virgins who failed to prepare to meet the bridegroom (Matthew 25:1 - 13).  It's why He commanded us to seek His kingdom above all else (Matthew 6:33).      


When thinking about preparing, I am not talking about storing up a years worth of food, buying gold bars, or having a working generator.  I'm talking about securing a workable relationship with Jesus in present time.  I'm talking about having supportive friendships with each other as we function together to accomplish God's plans right now.  I'm talking about not loving life so much that we shrink from martyrdom, if such death comes our way (Revelation 12:11).  I'm talking about standing strong in Jesus instead of hiding in the hills when things get rough (Revelation 6:15).  Enduring a rough future requires us living in the empowerment of God's grace in the present.    


As you ask Jesus to come, He asks you to come and receive His grace, His divine ability given to you to accomplish His will in your life right now in present time.   


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