About Jesus - Steve (Stephen) Sweetman

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One Kingdom - Two Arrivals


Jesus told Pilate that His kingdom was not from this world, and if it was, His disciples would fight to prevent His arrest (John 18:36).  From this I learn that Jesus' kingdom is non-earthly, meaning spiritual.  I learn that He and those in His kingdom operate much differently than those in worldly nations who fight for political primacy.  Jesus' kingdom cannot be seen with human eyes (Luke 17:20 - 21).  Those wishing to enter it must be able to see it through spiritual eyes as spiritually born humans (John 3:3 - 5). 


Jesus also said that His Kingdom is near (Mark 1:15, Luke 9:27).  It was near because He, the kingdom's king, was literally near His audience, many of whom would be alive to see its soon arrival to earth (Mark 9:1).  So when did the Kingdom of God arrive on earth?   


Jesus said that the Spirit of Truth who lived among the disciples would soon live in them (John 14:17).  When that day came, as Jesus told Nicodemus, the disciples would enter God's kingdom.  Prior to that day, though, Jesus must be glorified (John 7:39) which I understand happened at His return to His heavenly throne (Acts 1:9 - 11).


Just before Jesus' ascent to heaven He met up with His disciples.  He breathed on them and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit" (John 20:22).  I believe this incident was what I call a prophetic portrayal, that is, a physical illustration that pointed to the actual day the disciples would receive the Holy Spirit into their very being.  Prophets often used such prophetic portrayals to help illustrate their prediction.  The prophet Agabus, for example, tied his hands and feet with Paul's belt to help illustrate his prediction that Paul would be arrested when he arrived in Jerusalem (Acts 21:11). 


The predicted reception of the Holy Spirit into the lives of the disciples was realized when a mighty wind, the mighty breath of God, filled their lives (Acts 2:1-4).  It was just as Jesus illustrated in His prophetic portrayal when He breathed on the disciples.  The moment the disciples received the Holy Spirit was the moment they entered the Kingdom of God.  It was also the moment the spiritual Kingdom of God entered the world as was demonstrated in the Spirit-filled lives of the believers.  Yes, unbelievers can't see the spiritual Kingdom of God (Luke 17:20 - 21) but they sure saw it demonstrated in the lives of the disciples, but there is more.


Jesus concluded talking about certain end-time events by saying that when you see these events taking place, know that the Kingdom of God is near (Luke 21:31).  If the Kingdom of God came to earth as seen in Acts 2, when and how will it come again?  God's invisible and spiritual kingdom first came to earth in the lives of the believers, as seen in Acts 2. God's visible and material kingdom will come to earth when Jesus returns to establish it.  Maybe it's then when Jesus will once again drink from the cup of wine as He predicted at the Last Supper (Mark 14:25) which just might be at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb (Revelation 19:9).


As Christians, we have dual citizenship.  We are citizens of both an earthly nation and the heavenly nation.  Our heavenly citizenship takes priority (Matthew 6:33) as was demonstrated by Jesus before Pilate.  This is very important today when many claiming to be Christians are confusing God's kingdom with earthly kingdom thinking.  To be clear, there is one Kingdom of God, with two arrivals to earth.  Until its second arrival we represent God's Kingdom to all nations (Mathew 28:18) with our Holy Spirit filled lives that demonstrate a clear distinction between earthly kingdoms and God's kingdom.  May this be true in your life.       


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