About Jesus - Steve (Stephen) Sweetman

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Existing In God's Omnipresence


It appears to me that the general assumption is that God exists in heaven, somewhere far beyond our atmospheric limits.  I suggest that Acts 17:28 says otherwise. 


"'For in him [God] we live and move and have our being.'  As some of your own poets have said, 'We are his offspring.'"


The apostle Paul was well informed in both Judaism and the Greek philosophical trends of his day.  We read one example of his expertise in Acts 17:19 through 33, when in Athens, he entered a theological discourse with some Epicurean and Stoic philosophers.  The above verse is part of that dialogue where he quoted Epimenides as saying "in Him we live and move and have our being" and Aratus as saying "we are His offspring."    


Paul took the opportunity afforded him by Athens' many objects of pagan worship to explain that the Athenians' unknown god was the Creator God who does not live in manmade temples.  He said that God is actually not far from them, and if they desired, they could reach out to Him in the hope of finding Him.  Paul went as far to say that in God we live, move, and have our being, our very existence.  To Athenian pagans, this would suggest that God doesn't exist among the stars as did their gods. 


Even though Paul said we exist in God, I am sure he would agree that as humans we also exist in a material, time space reality.  God, however, is not a human being.  He is not confined to our material, time space reality.  He is a spirit (John 4:24) that exists in a spiritual reality (Ephesians 1:19).  When thinking of a spirit dimensional reality, I'm reminded of quantum physicists who believe there are eleven or more dimensions of existence.  If that is true, I think one of them would be spiritual.                  


Christian theology states that God is omnipresent.  He simultaneously exists everywhere at the same time, and that would include quantum physic's eleven dimensions.  Just maybe, then, there is more to Paul's "in God we exist" assertion that could be understood in his day.  Whatever the case, despite existing in our material, time space world, we really do live, move and exist in God.    


I'm not a pantheist that claims God is His creation.  God is separate and distinct from creation that can't escape His omnipresence.  It is clear to me, then, that God and the spiritual realms are active in our material, time space reality.  It is why Paul wrote that our real fight in this life is not with other humans but with spiritual beings in the spiritual world (Ephesian 6:12) that I say saturate our material, time space world.  


I believe that God is closer to us than we realize and is actively involved in our material, time space reality.  He can be found by anyone who is reborn spiritually by His Spirit.  God is omnipresent.  We might, then, want to rethink our general assumption that God and heaven exists beyond our atmospheric limits.   


Post Script


You might remind me that upon His ascension, Jesus disappeared into the clouds (Acts 1:9) suggesting to many that He kept ascending beyond the clouds.  Jesus did disappear into what I believe were literal clouds, but that is where the text says the disciples last saw Him.  Nothing is written about a farther ascent beyond the clouds.  While in the clouds, could Jesus have been transformed, transfigured, or however you want to say it, into the spiritual dimension that permeates our earthly reality?  Does He exist right now alongside God in whom we live, move, and have our being?  I think so. 


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