About Jesus - Steve (Stephen) Sweetman

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Your Declaration of Faith


Many people are declaring themselves to be a Christian these days, but are they Christians?  In some instances their Christian claim promotes their social/political cause, so I ask.  Does a verbal confession of Christian faith alone constitute a valid claim to be Christian?  Look closely at what Paul taught about a confession of faith as we read in Romans 10:9.     


"If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."


Paul wrote that "if you declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord."  A valid declaration of faith must state that Jesus is Lord, the ultimate universal authority over all things material and all things spiritual.  That being so, your confession must be personalized, stating that you have submitted your life to Jesus because He is your Lord.  He, not you, controls your life.  In fact, He owns you.  He purchased you with His blood, His human life (1 Corinthians 6:20).  This is a serious confession.  It's not a flippant claim to promote a social/political cause.            


Paul then wrote that if "you believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead."  A valid verbal declaration of faith must be backed by a heart-felt conviction that Jesus is alive, ruling from His heavenly throne over all things, including you.  Believing (Greek pisteuo - to trust) in your heart implies you trust Jesus with your life.  That's a spiritual matter.  It is not a mere declarative matter of the mind.  Being a spiritual matter means God's Spirit lives within you, prompting you to make your confession.  You are a born again person (John 3:3 - 5).  You are a brand new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17).  You are a valid Christian.  Apart from this, you are not a Christian (Romans 8:9).   


Once declaring with your mouth and believing in your heart as explained above, "you will be saved."  The Greek future, passive, indicative verb tense here states it emphatically.  Without any doubt, God Himself, and certainly not you, will save you, making you a Christian.    


Don't be fooled.  Not all who confess to be Christian are Christian.  A mere verbal confession, a claim alone about anything, does not prove the validity of that claim.  The proof of a claim to be Christian is validated by a Biblical-based, Holy Spirit lived life, visible for all to recognize.                


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