About Jesus - Steve (Stephen) Sweetman

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Why Christian Nationalism Will Fail


Would I like to live in a Biblically moral nation?  Yes!  Do I approve of Christians running for political office?  Yes!  Do I believe in voting your Christian conscience?  Yes!  Do I believe the Bible teaches us to Christianize a nation through government legislation and legal reform?  No!  Do I support Christian Nationalism's attempt to Christianize a nation?  No, and very briefly, here is why I say "no."    


From my Biblical perspective, from Genesis 10 through to Revelation 18 the Bible portrays all nations, none excluded, as being ungodly, humanistic, and Babylonian in nature.  That includes the divinely-appointed nation of Israel that continues to fail at being the Godly nation it was called to be.  In the end, all nations will fall in an act of divine judgement (Revelation 17 and 18). 


Many attempts have been made throughout history to Christianize a nation through political reform.  All have failed, the most notable being the Christianizing of the Roman Empire in the fourth century that actually ended in the paganization of the empire.  So as a Christian, how do I think about this issue?  


Jesus commanded His apostles (Matthew 28:18 - 19) to make disciples of all nations, or of all ethnic people, as the Greek word "ethnos" that is translated here as "nations" suggests.  If, then, you understand the word "nations" to be a country like America, I believe you will misunderstand this command.  For one thing, you can't baptize a country that was included in the command.  You can, however, baptize ethnic people within a nation.  This is why the apostle Paul did not try to Christianize the Roman Empire through political, legal, or military means.  He preached Jesus to all ethnic people within the empire, explaining their need to be born again of God's Spirit, resulting in them becoming brand new creations in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17).


Furthermore, Paul taught that any piece of legislation or law, including God's Law of Moses, can never make anyone a Christian (Romans 10:4, Colossians 2:13 - 14 and elsewhere).  No legislation or law can change the evil heart of man, let alone a nation.  It's why Jesus got to the heart of the legalities of the Law of Moses in relation to sin.  He acknowledged, for example, that the Law banned adultery, yet He went beyond the letter of the law by saying if you lust in your heart, you commit adultery in your heart (Matthew 5: 28).  In other words, an external sin begins with an internal sin.  If you get rid of the internal sin, you won't commit the external sin. 


As Christians, we may rise to political prominence and Christianize our national legislations and laws, but that will never change the sinful heart of anyone, let alone transform a life.  Only God's Spirit within a life can do that, and that only if you permit Him to do so.  We have our Bible-based laws prohibiting murder, but we still murder.  Again, Jesus addressed the murder laws by getting to the heart of the matter, which was an angry heart (Matthew 5:21 - 22).            


From my perspective, Christian Nationalism appears to have abandoned preaching the gospel to be born again of the Spirit of God, replacing it with political activism.  That's not Christian, and for that reason Christian Nationalism will fail, and as history suggests, will do more harm than good.      


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