About Jesus - Steve (Stephen) Sweetman The
Oldest Form Of Suicide The
following lyrics were written and sung by Don Henley of the Eagles on
his 2015 album entitled " Common as dirt, as old
as sin Now,
it looks like it's gone nationwide Now, with "Pride
comes before destruction, and an arrogant spirit
before a fall." How about reading
Proverbs 8:13. "To fear the LORD
is to hate evil. I hate arrogant pride,
evil conduct, and perverse speech." In light of what the
Bible teaches us about prideful arrogance, I find it interesting that a
man who has spent his entire adult life in the rock and pop music
industry in his old age has come to the same conclusion as the Bible.
In our culture, including our Christian culture, where prideful
arrogance abounds, Don Henley is correct.
Pride is the oldest form of suicide, or as the Bible says, pride
precedes destruction, and that's on both an individual and national