About Jesus  -  Steve Sweetman

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The Meaning Of Redemption  


Redeem, or redemption, is one of the Bible words that if you do not know the meaning of, you will not understand the passage in which the word is found.  The simple meaning of the word "redeem" is "to make a purchase," or "to pay a price."  Its specific meaning, as it applies to Jesus and to Christians, is that Jesus paid the price for our release from bondage.


There are two Greek words translated as redeem or redemption in the New Testament. The firs word is "lytroo."  This word implies the "payment of the price Jesus paid for our release from bondage," with the emphasis on the actual release.  The other Greek word is "exagarozo."  This word implies that Jesus "paid the price for our release from bondage" with the emphasis on the actual price paid.


As Christians, we have been released from many things.  The most important release is from experiencing the eternal wrath of God.  We have also been released from a sinful lifestyle, the Law of Moses, and the guilt associated with our sinful nature.


The word "redeem" is one very important word that all Christians need to understand.         



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